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Roland Lichters

apologies, I should have said that in the announcement: We cannot provide the executable at the moment, because we need to follow stricter IT security policies now, which involve scanning of the codebase and artefacts like ore.exe before releasing. We managed to get this done for the source code (see the note on Blackduck and Coverity scans in News.txt) , but not for the ore executable, because we did not want to delay the release further. We will look into including the executable next time again, or we will look at GitHub actions to build post release.
In the meantime, how about using the Python wheels? When you install the ORE Python module with “pip install open-source-risk-engine”, then you can run ORE through Python effectively in the same way as running the executable, without any loss of functionality or speed. Example 42 demonstrates that use case.
Best wishes,

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