Portfolio data is provided by the user. ORE expects a specific XML file representation of the trade data as explained in the user guide. ORE comes with its own XML
Open Source Risk Engine (ORE) expects market data to be provided in a specific format as explained in the user guide. Any provider’s market data needs to be mapped to
To get started you do not need to have any programming knowledge. Head to our download page at https://github.com/OpenSourceRisk/Engine/releases and fetch the latest release archive. It contains the ORE executable
Please check out our user guide. This explains in section 3 how ORE is installed on Windows and Unix (Mac/Linux).
Please check out our user guide. This explains in section 3 how ORE is installed on Windows and Unix (Mac/Linux).
ORE works on Windows, Linux, Mac OS X and possibly other Unix flavours (we have tested it with the former three). The ORE releases come with executables for these platforms
Most likely yes – follow the instructions in “Where can I get it?” and fetch the latest ORE release. It comes with ORE executables for several platforms including Windows, Linux
Open Source Risk Engine’s code is hosted on github. You can either fetch the repository using git from https://github.com/OpenSourceRisk/Engine or download a release archive from https://github.com/OpenSourceRiskEngine/releases