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IndexCreditDefaultSwapOption Class Reference
+ Inheritance diagram for IndexCreditDefaultSwapOption:

Public Member Functions

 IndexCreditDefaultSwapOption ()
 Default constructor.
 IndexCreditDefaultSwapOption (const ore::data::Envelope &env, const IndexCreditDefaultSwapData &swap, const ore::data::OptionData &option, QuantLib::Real strike, const std::string &indexTerm="", const std::string &strikeType="Spread", const QuantLib::Date &tradeDate=Date(), const QuantLib::Date &fepStartDate=Date())
 Detailed constructor.
void build (const QuantLib::ext::shared_ptr< EngineFactory > &) override
QuantLib::Real notional () const override
 Return the current notional in npvCurrency. See individual sub-classes for the precise definition.
void fromXML (ore::data::XMLNode *node) override
ore::data::XMLNodetoXML (ore::data::XMLDocument &doc) const override
- Public Member Functions inherited from Trade
 Trade ()
 Default constructor.
 Trade (const string &tradeType, const Envelope &env=Envelope(), const TradeActions &ta=TradeActions())
 Base class constructor.
virtual ~Trade ()
 Default destructor.
virtual std::map< std::string, RequiredFixings::FixingDatesfixings (const QuantLib::Date &settlementDate=QuantLib::Date()) const
const RequiredFixingsrequiredFixings () const
virtual std::map< AssetClass, std::set< std::string > > underlyingIndices (const QuantLib::ext::shared_ptr< ReferenceDataManager > &referenceDataManager=nullptr) const
void reset ()
 Reset trade, clear all base class data. This does not reset accumulated timings for this trade.
void resetPricingStats (const std::size_t numberOfPricings=0, const boost::timer::nanosecond_type cumulativePricingTime=0)
 Reset accumulated timings to given values.
string & id ()
 Set the trade id.
void setEnvelope (const Envelope &envelope)
 Set the envelope with counterparty and portfolio info.
void setAdditionalData (const std::map< std::string, boost::any > &additionalData)
TradeActionstradeActions ()
 Set the trade actions.
const string & id () const
const string & tradeType () const
const Envelopeenvelope () const
const set< string > & portfolioIds () const
const TradeActionstradeActions () const
const QuantLib::ext::shared_ptr< InstrumentWrapper > & instrument () const
const std::vector< QuantLib::Leg > & legs () const
const std::vector< string > & legCurrencies () const
const std::vector< bool > & legPayers () const
const string & npvCurrency () const
virtual string notionalCurrency () const
const Date & maturity () const
virtual bool isExpired (const Date &d)
const string & issuer () const
template<typename T >
additionalDatum (const std::string &tag) const
 returns any additional datum.
virtual const std::map< std::string, boost::any > & additionalData () const
 returns all additional data returned by the trade once built
const std::string & sensitivityTemplate () const
void validate () const
 Utility to validate that everything that needs to be set in this base class is actually set.
virtual bool hasCashflows () const
boost::timer::nanosecond_type getCumulativePricingTime () const
 Get cumulative timing spent on pricing.
std::size_t getNumberOfPricings () const
 Get number of pricings.
- Public Member Functions inherited from XMLSerializable
void fromFile (const std::string &filename)
void toFile (const std::string &filename) const
void fromXMLString (const std::string &xml)
 Parse from XML string.
std::string toXMLString () const
 Parse from XML string.


const IndexCreditDefaultSwapDataswap () const
const ore::data::OptionDataoption () const
const std::string & indexTerm () const
QuantLib::Real strike () const
QuantLib::Option::Type callPut () const
const std::string & strikeType () const
const QuantLib::Date & tradeDate () const
const QuantLib::Date & fepStartDate () const
const CreditPortfolioSensitivityDecomposition sensitivityDecomposition () const
QuantLib::Real effectiveStrike () const
const std::string & effectiveStrikeType () const
const QuantLib::Period & effectiveIndexTerm () const
std::string creditCurveId () const
const std::string & volCurveId () const
const std::map< std::string, QuantLib::Real > & constituents () const

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Member Functions inherited from Trade
Date addPremiums (std::vector< QuantLib::ext::shared_ptr< Instrument >> &instruments, std::vector< Real > &multipliers, const Real tradeMultiplier, const PremiumData &premiumData, const Real premiumMultiplier, const Currency &tradeCurrency, const QuantLib::ext::shared_ptr< EngineFactory > &factory, const string &configuration)
void setLegBasedAdditionalData (const Size legNo, Size resultLegId=Null< Size >()) const
void setSensitivityTemplate (const EngineBuilder &builder)
void setSensitivityTemplate (const std::string &id)
- Protected Attributes inherited from Trade
string tradeType_
QuantLib::ext::shared_ptr< InstrumentWrapperinstrument_
std::vector< QuantLib::Leg > legs_
std::vector< string > legCurrencies_
std::vector< bool > legPayers_
string npvCurrency_
QuantLib::Real notional_
string notionalCurrency_
Date maturity_
string issuer_
string sensitivityTemplate_
bool sensitivityTemplateSet_ = false
std::size_t savedNumberOfPricings_ = 0
boost::timer::nanosecond_type savedCumulativePricingTime_ = 0
RequiredFixings requiredFixings_
std::map< std::string, boost::any > additionalData_

Member Function Documentation

◆ build()

void build ( const QuantLib::ext::shared_ptr< EngineFactory > &  )

Build QuantLib/QuantExt instrument, link pricing engine. If build() is called multiple times, reset() should be called between these calls.

Implements Trade.