Reference manual - version ored_version
scripting Directory Reference



file  ast.hpp
 abstract syntax tree for payoff scripting
file  astprinter.hpp
 ast printer
file  astresetter.hpp
 resets cached values in ast
file  asttoscriptconverter.hpp
 ast to script converter
file  computationgraphbuilder.hpp
 computation graph builder
file  context.hpp
 script engine context holding variable names and values
file  grammar.hpp
 payoff script grammar
file  paylog.hpp
 repository for cashflows generated by the PAYLOG() function
file  randomastgenerator.hpp
 random ast generator for testing purposes
file  safestack.hpp
 stack with safety checks and pop() that returns rvalue reference of top element
file  scriptedinstrument.hpp
 scripted instrument
file  scriptengine.hpp
file  scriptparser.hpp
 script parser
file  staticanalyser.hpp
 static script analyser
file  utilities.hpp
 some utility functions
file  value.hpp
 value type and operations