Reference manual - version ored_version
utilities Directory Reference


file  bondindexbuilder.hpp
 Interface for building a bond index.
file  calendaradjustmentconfig.hpp
 Interface for calendar modifications, additional holidays and business days.
file  calendarparser.hpp
 calendar parser singleton class
file  conventionsbasedfutureexpiry.hpp
 Base class for classes that perform date calculations for future contracts.
file  correlationmatrix.hpp
 configuration class for building correlation matrices
file  csvfilereader.hpp
 utility class to access CSV files
file  currencyhedgedequityindexdecomposition.hpp
 Helper function used for the index decompositon.
file  currencyparser.hpp
 currency parser singleton class
file  dategrid.hpp
 The date grid class.
file  fileio.hpp
 Wrapper class for retrying file IO operations.
file  flowanalysis.hpp
 Extended QuantLib flow analysis.
file  indexnametranslator.hpp
 translates between QuantLib::Index::name() and ORE names
file  indexparser.hpp
 Map text representations to QuantLib/QuantExt types.
file  initbuilders.hpp
 add builders to factories
file  log.hpp
 Classes and functions for log message handling.
file  marketdata.hpp
 market data related utilties
file  osutils.hpp
 Various OS specific utilities.
file  parsers.hpp
 Map text representations to QuantLib/QuantExt types.
file  progressbar.hpp
 Classes for progress reporting.
file  serializationdate.hpp
 support for QuantLib::Date serialization
file  serializationdaycounter.hpp
 support for QuantLib::DayCounter serialization
file  serializationperiod.hpp
 support for QuantLib::Period serialization
file  strike.hpp
 strike description
file  timeperiod.hpp
 non-contiguous time period handling
file  to_string.hpp
 string conversion utilities
file  vectorutils.hpp
 Utilities for sorting vectors using permutations.
file  wildcard.hpp
 utilities for wildcard handling
file  xmlutils.hpp
 XML utility functions.