Reference manual - version qle_version
models Directory Reference


file  annuitymapping.hpp
 base class for annuity mapping functions used in TSR models
file  basket.hpp
 basket of issuers and related notionals
file  blackscholesmodelwrapper.hpp
 wrapper around a vector of BS processes
file  carrmadanarbitragecheck.hpp
 arbitrage checks based on Carr, Madan, A note on sufficient conditions for no arbitrage (2005)
file  cdsoptionhelper.hpp
 cds option calibration helper
file  cirppconstantfellerparametrization.hpp
 constant CIR ++ parametrization
file  cirppconstantparametrization.hpp
 constant CIR ++ parametrization
file  cirppimplieddefaulttermstructure.hpp
 default probability structure implied by a CIRPP model
file  cirppparametrization.hpp
 CIR ++ parametrisation.
file  cmscaphelper.hpp
 Cms Option helper class.
file  commoditymodel.hpp
 Commodity model base class.
file  commodityschwartzmodel.hpp
 Schwartz (1997) one-factor model of the commodity price termstructure.
file  commodityschwartzparametrization.hpp
 Schwartz commodity model parametrization.
file  cpicapfloorhelper.hpp
 CPI Cap Floor calibration helper.
file  crcirpp.hpp
 CIR++ credit model class.
file  crlgm1fparametrization.hpp
 Credit Linear Gaussian Markov 1 factor parametrization.
file  crossassetanalytics.hpp
 analytics for the cross asset model
file  crossassetanalyticsbase.hpp
 basic functions for analytics in the cross asset model
file  crossassetmodel.hpp
 cross asset model
file  crossassetmodelimpliedeqvoltermstructure.hpp
 dynamic black volatility term structure
file  crossassetmodelimpliedfxvoltermstructure.hpp
 dynamic black volatility term structure
file  crstateparametrization.hpp
 credit state parametrization
file  defaultableequityjumpdiffusionmodel.hpp
file  dkimpliedyoyinflationtermstructure.hpp
 year on year inflation term structure implied by a Dodgson Kainth (DK) model
file  dkimpliedzeroinflationtermstructure.hpp
 zero inflation term structure implied by a Dodgson Kainth (DK) model
file  eqbsconstantparametrization.hpp
 Constant equity model parametrization.
file  eqbsparametrization.hpp
 EQ Black Scholes parametrization.
file  eqbspiecewiseconstantparametrization.hpp
 piecewise constant model parametrization
file  exactbachelierimpliedvolatility.hpp
 implied bachelier volatility based on Jaeckel, Implied Normal Volatility, 2017
file  futureoptionhelper.hpp
 calibration helper for Black-Scholes options
file  fxbsconstantparametrization.hpp
 Constant FX model parametrization.
file  fxbsmodel.hpp
 fx black scholes model
file  fxbsparametrization.hpp
 FX Black Scholes parametrization.
file  fxbspiecewiseconstantparametrization.hpp
 piecewise constant model parametrization
file  fxeqoptionhelper.hpp
 calibration helper for Black-Scholes options
file  fxmodel.hpp
 fx model base class
file  gaussian1dcrossassetadaptor.hpp
 adaptor class that extracts one irlgm1f component
file  hullwhitebucketing.hpp
 probability bucketing as in Valuation of a CDO and an nth to Default CDS without Monte Carlo Simulation, Appdx. B
file  hwconstantparametrization.hpp
 Hull White n factor parametrization with constant reversion and vol.
file  hwmodel.hpp
 hull white n Factor model class
file  hwparametrization.hpp
 Hull White n factor parametrization.
file  infdkparametrization.hpp
 Inflation Dodgson Kainth parametrization.
file  infjyparameterization.hpp
 Jarrow Yildrim inflation parameterization.
file  irlgm1fconstantparametrization.hpp
 constant model parametrization
file  irlgm1fparametrization.hpp
 Interest Rate Linear Gaussian Markov 1 factor parametrization.
file  irlgm1fpiecewiseconstanthullwhiteadaptor.hpp
 adaptor to emulate piecewise constant Hull White parameters
file  irlgm1fpiecewiseconstantparametrization.hpp
 piecewise constant model parametrization
file  irlgm1fpiecewiselinearparametrization.hpp
 piecewise linear model parametrization
file  irmodel.hpp
 ir model base class
file  jyimpliedyoyinflationtermstructure.hpp
 year on year inflation term structure implied by a Jarrow Yildrim (JY) model
file  jyimpliedzeroinflationtermstructure.hpp
 zero inflation term structure implied by a Jarrow Yildrim (JY) model
file  lgm.hpp
 lgm model class
file  lgmcalibrationinfo.hpp
 info data on how a lgm model was calibrated
file  lgmconvolutionsolver2.hpp
 numeric convolution solver for the LGM model using RandoMVariable
file  lgmimplieddefaulttermstructure.hpp
 default probability structure implied by a LGM model
file  lgmimpliedyieldtermstructure.hpp
 yield term structure implied by a LGM model
file  lgmvectorised.hpp
 vectorised lgm model calculations
file  linearannuitymapping.hpp
 linear annuity mapping function f(S) = a*S+b
file  linkablecalibratedmodel.hpp
 calibrated model class with linkable parameters
file  marketobserver.hpp
 helper class for model builders that observes market ts
file  modelbuilder.hpp
 Model builder base class.
file  modelimpliedpricetermstructure.hpp
 price term structure implied by a COM model
file  modelimpliedyieldtermstructure.hpp
 yield term structure implied by an IR model
file  normalsabr.hpp
 normal SABR model implied volatility approximation
file  normalsabrinterpolation.hpp
 normal SABR interpolation interpolation between discrete points
file  normalsabrsmilesection.hpp
 normal sabr smile section class
file  parametrization.hpp
 base class for model parametrizations
file  piecewiseconstanthelper.hpp
 helper classes for piecewise constant parametrizations
file  projectedcrossassetmodel.hpp
 cross asset model projection utils
file  pseudoparameter.hpp
 parameter giving access to calibration machinery
file  representativefxoption.hpp
 representative fx option matcher
file  representativeswaption.hpp
 representative swaption matcher
file  transitionmatrix.hpp
 utility functions for transition matrices and generators
file  yoycapfloorhelper.hpp
 Year on year inflation cap floor calibration helper.
file  yoyinflationmodeltermstructure.hpp
 year-on-year inflation term structure implied by a cross asset model
file  yoyswaphelper.hpp
 Year on year inflation swap calibration helper.
file  zeroinflationmodeltermstructure.hpp
 zero inflation term structure implied by a cross asset model