Reference manual - version qle_version
termstructures Directory Reference



file  adjusteddefaultcurve.hpp
 default curve with SP(t) = exp(-int_0^t m * h(s) ds), with a multiplier m and source curve defining h(s)
file  aposurface.hpp
 Average future price option surface derived from future option surface.
file  averagefuturepricehelper.hpp
 Price helper for average of future settlement prices over a period.
file  averageoffpeakpowerhelper.hpp
 Price helper for average of off-peak electricity prices over a period.
file  averageoisratehelper.hpp
 Rate helpers to facilitate usage of AverageOIS in bootstrapping.
file  averagespotpricehelper.hpp
 Price helper for average of spot price over a period.
file  basistwoswaphelper.hpp
 Libor basis swap helper as two swaps.
file  blackdeltautilities.hpp
 utilities to calculate strikes from deltas and atm strikes on smiles
file  blackinvertedvoltermstructure.hpp
 Black volatility surface that inverts an existing surface.
file  blackmonotonevarvoltermstructure.hpp
 Black volatility surface that monotonises the variance in an existing surface.
file  blacktriangulationatmvol.hpp
 Black volatility surface that implies an ATM vol based on triangulation.
file  blackvariancecurve3.hpp
 Black volatility curve modeled as variance curve.
file  blackvariancesurfacemoneyness.hpp
 Black volatility surface based on forward moneyness.
file  blackvariancesurfacesparse.hpp
 Black volatility surface modeled as variance surface.
file  blackvariancesurfacestddevs.hpp
 Black volatility surface modeled as variance surface.
file  blackvolconstantspread.hpp
 surface that combines an ATM curve and vol spreads from a surface
file  blackvolsurfaceabsolute.hpp
 Black volatility surface based on absolute quotes.
file  blackvolsurfacebfrr.hpp
 Black volatility surface based on bf/rr quotes.
file  blackvolsurfacedelta.hpp
 Black volatility surface based on delta.
file  blackvolsurfaceproxy.hpp
 Wrapper class for a BlackVolTermStructure when using proxy vols.
file  blackvolsurfacewithatm.hpp
 Wrapper class for a BlackVolTermStructure that easily exposes ATM vols.
file  bondyieldshiftedcurvetermstructure.hpp
 term structure provided yield curve shifted by bond spread
file  brlcdiratehelper.hpp
 Rate helper based on standard BRL CDI swap.
file  capfloorhelper.hpp
 Helper for bootstrapping optionlet volatilities from cap floor volatilities.
file  capfloortermvolcurve.hpp
 Cap floor at-the-money term volatility curve.
file  capfloortermvolsurface.hpp
 Cap/floor smile volatility surface.
file  commodityaveragebasispricecurve.hpp
 A commodity price curve created from an averaged base curve and a collection of basis quotes.
file  commoditybasispricecurve.hpp
 A commodity price curve created from a base price curve and a collection of basis quotes.
file  commoditybasispricecurvewrapper.hpp
 A commodity price curve created from a generic price curve and a basis curve.
file  commoditybasispricetermstructure.hpp
 An interface for a commodity price curve created from a base price curve and a collection of basis quotes.
file  correlationtermstructure.hpp
 Term structure of correlations.
file  creditcurve.hpp
 wrapper for default curves, adding (index) reference data
file  creditvolcurve.hpp
 credit vol curve
file  crossccybasismtmresetswaphelper.hpp
 Cross currency basis swap helper with MTM reset.
file  crossccybasisswaphelper.hpp
 Cross currency basis swap helper.
file  crossccyfixfloatswaphelper.hpp
 Cross currency fixed vs. float swap helper.
file  crosscurrencypricetermstructure.hpp
 Price term structure in a given currency derived from a price term structure in another currency.
file  datedstrippedoptionlet.hpp
 Stripped optionlet surface with fixed reference date.
file  datedstrippedoptionletadapter.hpp
 StrippedOptionlet Adapter.
file  datedstrippedoptionletbase.hpp
 abstract class for optionlet surface with fixed reference date
file  discountratiomodifiedcurve.hpp
 discount curve modified by the ratio of two other discount curves
file  dynamicblackvoltermstructure.hpp
 dynamic black volatility term structure
file  dynamiccpivolatilitystructure.hpp
 dynamic zero inflation volatility structure
file  dynamicoptionletvolatilitystructure.hpp
 dynamic optionlet volatility structure
file  dynamicstype.hpp
 dynamics type definitions
file  dynamicswaptionvolmatrix.hpp
 dynamic swaption volatility matrix
file  dynamicyoyoptionletvolatilitystructure.hpp
 dynamic yoy inflation optionlet volatility structure
file  eqcommoptionsurfacestripper.hpp
 Imply equity or commodity volatility surface from put/call price surfaces.
file  equityforwardcurvestripper.hpp
 Imply equity forwards from option put/call parity.
file  flatcorrelation.hpp
 Term structure of flat correlations.
file  futurepricehelper.hpp
 Future price helper.
file  fxblackvolsurface.hpp
 FX Black volatility surface that incorporates an FxSmile.
file  fxsmilesection.hpp
 FX smile section assuming a strike/volatility space.
file  fxvannavolgasmilesection.hpp
 FX smile section assuming a strike/volatility space using vanna volga method.
file  generatordefaulttermstructure.hpp
 Default curve implied from a single generator matrix.
file  hazardspreadeddefaulttermstructure.hpp
 adds a constant hazard rate spread to a default term structure
file  iborfallbackcurve.hpp
 projection curve for ibor fallback indices
file  immfraratehelper.hpp
 IMM FRA rate helper.
file  implieddefaulttermstructure.hpp
 implied default term structure
file  interpolatedcorrelationcurve.hpp
 interpolated correlation term structure
file  interpolatedcpivolatilitysurface.hpp
 zero inflation volatility structure interpolated on a expiry/strike matrix of quotes
file  interpolateddiscountcurve.hpp
 interpolated discount term structure
file  interpolateddiscountcurve2.hpp
 interpolated discount term structure
file  interpolatedhazardratecurve.hpp
 interpolated hazard-rate term structure (with the option to disable the negative rates check)
file  interpolatedsurvivalprobabilitycurve.hpp
 interpolated survival-probability term structure (with the option to disable the check for negative hazard rates)
file  interpolatedyoycapfloortermpricesurface.hpp
 Interpolated YoY Inflation Cap floor term price surface - extends QuantLib InterpolatedYoYCapFloorTermPriceSurface to allow choice of termstructure directly from YoY swap quotes or from atm swap quotes stripped from cap/floor price surface.
file  iterativebootstrap.hpp
 Straight copy of ql/termstructures/iterativebootstrap.hpp with minor changes.
file  kinterpolatedyoyoptionletvolatilitysurface.hpp
 fixed version of ql class (see patch 1,2,3 in the comments below)
file  multisectiondefaultcurve.hpp
 default curve with an instantaneous hazard rate given by a vector of underlying curves in specific date ranges
file  oibasisswaphelper.hpp
 Overnight Indexed vs Overnight Indexed Basis Swap rate helpers.
file  oiccbasisswaphelper.hpp
 Overnight Indexed Cross Currency Basis Swap helpers.
file  oiscapfloorhelper.hpp
 Helper for bootstrapping optionlet volatilties from ois cap floor volatilities.
file  oisratehelper.hpp
 Overnight Indexed Swap (aka OIS) rate helpers.
file  optionletcurve.hpp
 Interpolated one-dimensional curve of optionlet volatilities.
file  optionletstripper.hpp
 optionlet (caplet/floorlet) volatility stripper
file  optionletstripper1.hpp
 Optionlet (caplet/floorlet) volatility strippers.
file  optionletstripper2.hpp
 ATM optionlet (caplet/floorlet) volatility stripper.
file  optionletstripperwithatm.hpp
 Optionlet stripper that amends existing stripped optionlets to incorporate ATM cap floor volatilities.
file  optionpricesurface.hpp
 Surface to store option prices.
file  piecewiseatmoptionletcurve.hpp
 Create optionlet volatility structure from at-the-money cap floor term volatility curve.
file  piecewiseoptionletcurve.hpp
 One-dimensional curve of bootstrapped optionlet volatilities.
file  piecewiseoptionletstripper.hpp
 Strip optionlet volatility surface from cap floor volatility term surface.
file  piecewisepricecurve.hpp
 Piecewise interpolated price term structure.
file  pricecurve.hpp
 Interpolated price curve.
file  pricetermstructure.hpp
 Term structure of prices.
file  pricetermstructureadapter.hpp
 PriceTermStructure adapter.
file  probabilitytraits.hpp
 default probability bootstrap traits for QuantExt
file  proxyoptionletvolatility.hpp
 moneyness-adjusted optionlet vol for normal vols
file  proxyswaptionvolatility.hpp
 moneyness-adjusted swaption vol for normal vols
file  spreadedblackvolatilitycurve.hpp
 Spreaded Black volatility curve.
file  spreadedblackvolatilitysurfacemoneyness.hpp
 Spreaded Black volatility surface based on moneyness.
file  spreadedcorrelationcurve.hpp
 Spreaded correlation curve.
file  spreadeddiscountcurve.hpp
 spreaded discount term structure
file  spreadedinflationcurve.hpp
 spreaded inflation term structure
file  spreadedoptionletvolatility.hpp
 Adds floor to QuantLib::SpreadedOptionletVolatility.
file  spreadedoptionletvolatility2.hpp
 Optionlet volatility with overlayed bilinearly interpolated spread surface.
file  spreadedpricetermstructure.hpp
 Spreaded Term structure of prices.
file  spreadedsmilesection.hpp
 Adds floor to QuantLib::SmileSection.
file  spreadedsmilesection2.hpp
 smile section with linear interpolated vol spreads
file  spreadedsurvivalprobabilitytermstructure.hpp
 spreaded default term structure
file  spreadedswaptionvolatility.hpp
 swaption cube defined via atm vol spreads over another cube
file  staticallycorrectedyieldtermstructure.hpp
 Statically corrected yield term structure.
file  strippedcpivolatilitystructure.hpp
 zero inflation volatility structure implied from a cpi cap/floor price surface
file  strippedoptionletadapter.hpp
 Convert a StrippedOptionletBase in to an OptionletVolatilityStructure.
file  strippedoptionletadapter2.hpp
 StrippedOptionlet Adapter (with a deeper update method, linear interpolation and optional flat extrapolation)
file  strippedyoyinflationoptionletvol.hpp
 Stripped YoYInfaltion Optionlet Vol Adapter (with a deeper update method, linear interpolation and optional flat extrapolation)
file  subperiodsswaphelper.hpp
 Single currency sub periods swap helper.
file  survivalprobabilitycurve.hpp
 interpolated survival probability term structure
file  swaptionvolatilityconverter.hpp
 Convert swaption volatilities from one type to another.
file  swaptionvolconstantspread.hpp
 swaption cube that combines an ATM matrix and vol spreads from a cube
file  swaptionvolcube2.hpp
 Swaption volatility cube, fit-later-interpolate-early approach.
file  swaptionvolcubewithatm.hpp
 Wrapper class for a SwaptionVolatilityCube that easily and efficiently exposes ATM vols.
file  tenorbasisswaphelper.hpp
 Single currency tenor basis swap helper.
file  terminterpolateddefaultcurve.hpp
 default curve interpolating between two term curves
file  weightedyieldtermstructure.hpp
 yield term structure given as a weighted average of yield term structures
file  yieldplusdefaultyieldtermstructure.hpp
 yield term structure given as a yield ts plus weighted sum of default term structures
file  yoyinflationcurveobservermoving.hpp
 Observable inflation term structure with floating reference date based on the interpolation of zero rate quotes.
file  yoyinflationcurveobserverstatic.hpp
 Observable inflation term structure with fixed reference date based on the interpolation of yoy rate quotes.
file  yoyinflationoptionletvolstripper.hpp
 YoY Inflation Optionlet (caplet/floorlet) volatility strippers.
file  zeroinflationcurveobservermoving.hpp
 Observable inflation term structure based on the interpolation of zero rate quotes, but with floating reference date.
file  zeroinflationcurveobserverstatic.hpp
 Observable inflation term structure based on the interpolation of zero rate quotes.