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  • #6274

    Dear All!

    Doxygen 1.8.13 had an issue when generating the xml for the ore data and ore analytics parts, this was resolved by upgrading to 1.8.14 (at least on windows).

    Generating documentation was quite easy after installing graphviz, putting the graphviz bin folder into the path (doxygen as well!) and then starting doxygen <module>.doxy in the respective module/doc folder (in the order quantext -> oredata -> oreanalytics).

    I’ve also seen that the version is not automatically updated in the header section because it is hardcoded in oredheader.html, I’ve amended that ($projectnumber instead of 1.8) in my documentation fix pull request.


    • This topic was modified 3 years ago by jerome.
    Roland Lichters

    Hi Roland,

    apologies, this is a while ago now. Could you have a look at the latest release and docs (on this site) and create another PR if this is still an issue?


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