Reference manual - version ored_version
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ore::data Namespace Reference




class  BaseCorrelationCurveConfig
 Base Correlation term structure configuration. More...
class  BootstrapConfig
class  CapFloorVolatilityCurveConfig
class  CDSVolatilityCurveConfig
class  PriceSegment
class  CommodityCurveConfig
 Commodity curve configuration. More...
class  CommodityVolatilityConfig
 Commodity volatility configuration. More...
class  Convention
 Abstract base class for convention objects. More...
class  Conventions
 Repository for currency dependent market conventions. More...
class  InstrumentConventions
 Singleton to hold conventions. More...
class  ZeroRateConvention
 Container for storing Zero Rate conventions. More...
class  DepositConvention
 Container for storing Deposit conventions. More...
class  FutureConvention
 Container for storing Money Market Futures conventions. More...
class  FraConvention
 Container for storing Forward rate Agreement conventions. More...
class  OisConvention
 Container for storing Overnight Index Swap conventions. More...
class  IborIndexConvention
 Container for storing Ibor Index conventions. More...
class  OvernightIndexConvention
 Container for storing Overnight Index conventions. More...
class  SwapIndexConvention
 Container for storing Swap Index conventions. More...
class  IRSwapConvention
 Container for storing Interest Rate Swap conventions. More...
class  AverageOisConvention
 Container for storing Average OIS conventions. More...
class  TenorBasisSwapConvention
 Container for storing Tenor Basis Swap conventions. More...
class  TenorBasisTwoSwapConvention
 Container for storing conventions for Tenor Basis Swaps quoted as a spread of two interest rate swaps. More...
class  BMABasisSwapConvention
 Container for storing Libor-BMA Basis Swap conventions. More...
class  FXConvention
 Container for storing FX Spot quote conventions. More...
class  CrossCcyBasisSwapConvention
 Container for storing Cross Currency Basis Swap quote conventions. More...
class  CrossCcyFixFloatSwapConvention
class  CdsConvention
 Container for storing Credit Default Swap quote conventions. More...
class  InflationSwapConvention
class  SecuritySpreadConvention
 Container for storing Bond Spread Rate conventions. More...
class  CmsSpreadOptionConvention
 Container for storing CMS Spread Option conventions. More...
class  CommodityForwardConvention
class  CommodityFutureConvention
class  FxOptionConvention
 Container for storing FX Option conventions. More...
class  ZeroInflationIndexConvention
class  BondYieldConvention
class  CorrelationCurveConfig
 Correlation curve configuration. More...
class  CurveConfig
 Base curve configuration. More...
class  CurveConfigurations
 Container class for all Curve Configurations. More...
class  CurveConfigurationsManager
class  DefaultCurveConfig
 Default curve configuration. More...
class  EquityCurveConfig
 Equity curve configuration. More...
class  EquityVolatilityCurveConfig
 Equity volatility structure configuration. More...
class  FXSpotConfig
 FXSpot configuration. More...
class  FXVolatilityCurveConfig
 FX volatility structure configuration. More...
class  GenericYieldVolatilityCurveConfig
 Generic yield volatility curve configuration class. More...
class  IborFallbackConfig
class  InflationCapFloorVolatilityCurveConfig
 Inflation CapFloor volatility curve configuration class. More...
class  InflationCurveConfig
class  OneDimSolverConfig
class  ReportConfig
class  SecurityConfig
 Security configuration. More...
class  SwaptionVolatilityCurveConfig
 Swaption volatility curve configuration class. More...
class  VolatilityConfig
class  ProxyVolatilityConfig
class  CDSProxyVolatilityConfig
class  QuoteBasedVolatilityConfig
class  ConstantVolatilityConfig
class  VolatilityCurveConfig
class  VolatilitySurfaceConfig
class  VolatilityStrikeSurfaceConfig
class  VolatilityDeltaSurfaceConfig
class  VolatilityMoneynessSurfaceConfig
class  VolatilityApoFutureSurfaceConfig
class  VolatilityConfigBuilder
class  YieldCurveSegment
 Base class for yield curve segments. More...
class  DirectYieldCurveSegment
 Direct yield curve segment. More...
class  SimpleYieldCurveSegment
 Simple yield curve segment. More...
class  AverageOISYieldCurveSegment
 Average OIS yield curve segment. More...
class  TenorBasisYieldCurveSegment
 Tenor Basis yield curve segment. More...
class  CrossCcyYieldCurveSegment
 Cross Currency yield curve segment. More...
class  ZeroSpreadedYieldCurveSegment
 Zero Spreaded yield curve segment. More...
class  WeightedAverageYieldCurveSegment
 Weighted average yield curve segment. More...
class  YieldPlusDefaultYieldCurveSegment
 Yield plus default curves segment. More...
class  DiscountRatioYieldCurveSegment
 Discount ratio yield curve segment. More...
class  FittedBondYieldCurveSegment
 FittedBond yield curve segment. More...
class  IborFallbackCurveSegment
 Ibor Fallback yield curve segment. More...
class  BondYieldShiftedYieldCurveSegment
 Bond yield shifted yield curve segment. More...
class  YieldCurveConfig
 Yield Curve configuration. More...
class  YieldVolatilityCurveConfig
 Yield volatility curve configuration. More...
class  AdjustmentFactors
 Class to hold market data adjustment factors - for example equity stock splits. More...
class  BaseCorrelationCurve
class  CapFloorVolCurve
class  CDSVolCurve
class  ClonedLoader
class  CommodityCurve
class  CommodityVolCurve
 Wrapper class for building commodity volatility structures. More...
class  CompositeLoader
class  CorrelationCurve
 Wrapper class for building correlation structures. More...
class  CSVLoader
 Utility class for loading market quotes and fixings from a file. More...
class  CurveSpec
 Curve Specification. More...
class  YieldCurveSpec
 Yield curve description. More...
class  DefaultCurveSpec
 Default curve description. More...
class  CDSVolatilityCurveSpec
 CDS Volatility curve description. More...
class  BaseCorrelationCurveSpec
 Base Correlation surface description. More...
class  SwaptionVolatilityCurveSpec
 Swaption Volatility curve description. More...
class  YieldVolatilityCurveSpec
 Yield volatility curve description. More...
class  CapFloorVolatilityCurveSpec
 Cap/Floor Volatility curve description. More...
class  FXSpotSpec
 FX Spot description. More...
class  FXVolatilityCurveSpec
 FX Volatility curve description. More...
class  InflationCurveSpec
 Inflation curve description. More...
class  InflationCapFloorVolatilityCurveSpec
 Inflation cap floor volatility description. More...
class  EquityCurveSpec
 Equity curve description. More...
class  EquityVolatilityCurveSpec
 Equity Volatility curve description. More...
class  SecuritySpec
 Security description. More...
class  CommodityCurveSpec
 Commodity curve description. More...
class  CommodityVolatilityCurveSpec
 Commodity volatility description. More...
class  CorrelationCurveSpec
 Correlation curve description. More...
class  DefaultCurve
 Wrapper class for building Swaption volatility structures. More...
class  DependencyGraph
class  EquityCurve
 Wrapper class for building Equity curves (spot quote, yield term structure, risk free IR term structure) More...
class  EquityVolCurve
 Wrapper class for building Equity volatility structures. More...
class  Expiry
class  ExpiryDate
class  ExpiryPeriod
class  FutureContinuationExpiry
class  FittedBondCurveHelperMarket
struct  Fixing
 Fixing data structure. More...
class  FXTriangulation
class  FXVolCurve
 Wrapper class for building FX volatility structures. More...
class  GenericYieldVolCurve
 Wrapper class for building Generic yield volatility structures. More...
class  InflationCapFloorVolCurve
class  InflationCurve
 Wrapper class for building inflation curves. More...
class  InMemoryLoader
class  Loader
 Market data loader base class. More...
struct  PseudoCurrencyMarketParameters
 Struct to store parameters for commodities to be treatred as pseudo currencies. More...
class  GlobalPseudoCurrencyMarketParameters
 Singleton to store Global parameters, this should be initialised at some point with PEGP. More...
class  Market
 Market. More...
class  MarketDatum
 Base market data class. More...
struct  SharedPtrMarketDatumComparator
class  MoneyMarketQuote
 Money market data class. More...
class  FRAQuote
 FRA market data class. More...
class  ImmFraQuote
 IMM FRA market data class. More...
class  SwapQuote
 Swap market data class. More...
class  ZeroQuote
class  DiscountQuote
 Discount market data class. More...
class  MMFutureQuote
 Money Market Future data class. More...
class  OIFutureQuote
 Overnight index future data class. More...
class  BasisSwapQuote
 Basis Swap data class. More...
class  BMASwapQuote
 BMA Swap data class. More...
class  CrossCcyBasisSwapQuote
 Cross Currency Basis Swap data class. More...
class  CrossCcyFixFloatSwapQuote
 Cross Currency Fix Float Swap quote holder. More...
class  CdsQuote
class  HazardRateQuote
 Hazard rate data class. More...
class  RecoveryRateQuote
 Recovery rate data class. More...
class  SwaptionQuote
 Swaption data class. More...
class  SwaptionShiftQuote
 Shift data class (for SLN swaption volatilities) More...
class  BondOptionQuote
 Bond option data class. More...
class  BondOptionShiftQuote
 Shift data class (for SLN bond option volatilities) More...
class  CapFloorQuote
 Cap/Floor data class. More...
class  CapFloorShiftQuote
 Shift data class (for SLN cap/floor volatilities) More...
class  FXSpotQuote
 Foreign exchange rate data class. More...
class  FXForwardQuote
 Foreign exchange rate data class. More...
class  FXOptionQuote
 FX Option data class. More...
class  ZcInflationSwapQuote
 ZC Inflation swap data class. More...
class  InflationCapFloorQuote
 Inflation Cap Floor data class. More...
class  ZcInflationCapFloorQuote
 ZC Cap Floor data class. More...
class  YoYInflationSwapQuote
 YoY Inflation swap data class. More...
class  YyInflationCapFloorQuote
 YY Cap Floor data class. More...
class  SeasonalityQuote
 Inflation seasonality data class. More...
class  EquitySpotQuote
 Equity/Index spot price data class. More...
class  EquityForwardQuote
 Equity forward data class. More...
class  EquityDividendYieldQuote
 Equity/Index Dividend yield data class. More...
class  EquityOptionQuote
 Equity/Index Option data class. More...
class  SecuritySpreadQuote
 Bond spread data class. More...
class  BaseCorrelationQuote
 Base correlation data class. More...
class  IndexCDSOptionQuote
 CDS Index Option data class. More...
class  CommoditySpotQuote
 Commodity spot quote class. More...
class  CommodityForwardQuote
 Commodity forward quote class. More...
class  CommodityOptionQuote
 Commodity option data class. More...
class  CorrelationQuote
 Spread data class. More...
class  CPRQuote
 CPR data class. More...
class  BondPriceQuote
 Bond Price Quote. More...
class  TransitionProbabilityQuote
 Transition Probability data class. More...
class  MarketImpl
 Market Implementation. More...
class  Security
 Wrapper class for holding Bond Spread and recovery rate quotes. More...
class  BaseStrike
class  AbsoluteStrike
class  DeltaStrike
class  AtmStrike
class  MoneynessStrike
class  StructuredCurveErrorMessage
 Utility class for Structured Curve errors, contains the curve ID. More...
class  StructuredCurveWarningMessage
class  SwaptionVolCurve
 Wrapper class for building Swaption volatility structures. More...
class  TodaysMarket
 Today's Market. More...
struct  YieldCurveCalibrationInfo
struct  PiecewiseYieldCurveCalibrationInfo
struct  FittedBondCurveCalibrationInfo
struct  InflationCurveCalibrationInfo
struct  ZeroInflationCurveCalibrationInfo
struct  YoYInflationCurveCalibrationInfo
struct  CommodityCurveCalibrationInfo
struct  FxEqCommVolCalibrationInfo
struct  IrVolCalibrationInfo
struct  TodaysMarketCalibrationInfo
class  MarketConfiguration
class  TodaysMarketParameters
 Today's Market Parameters. More...
class  WrappedMarket
 Wrapped Market. More...
class  YieldCurve
 Wrapper class for building yield term structures. More...
class  YieldVolCurve
 Wrapper class for building Yield volatility structures. More...
class  BlackScholesModelBuilder
class  BlackScholesModelBuilderBase
class  CalibrationInstrument
class  CalibrationBasket
class  CalibrationConfiguration
class  CalibrationInstrumentFactory
class  CpiCapFloor
class  YoYCapFloor
class  YoYSwap
class  CalibrationPointCache
class  CommoditySchwartzModelBuilder
 Builder for a COM model component. More...
class  CommoditySchwartzData
 COM Schwartz Model Parameters. More...
class  CrCirBuilder
 Builder for a cir model component. More...
class  CrCirData
class  CrLgmBuilder
class  CrLgmData
 CR LGM Model Parameters. More...
class  CrossAssetModelBuilder
 Cross Asset Model Builder. More...
class  InstantaneousCorrelations
 InstantaneousCorrelations. More...
class  CrossAssetModelData
 Cross Asset Model Parameters. More...
class  EqBsBuilder
 Builder for a Lognormal EQ model component. More...
class  EqBsData
 EQ Model Parameters. More...
class  FxBsBuilder
 Builder for a Lognormal FX model component. More...
class  FxBsData
 FX Model Parameters. More...
class  HwBuilder
 Builder for a Hull White model or a HW component for the CAM. More...
class  InfDkBuilder
class  InfDkData
class  InfJyBuilder
class  InfJyData
class  InflationModelData
class  HwModelData
 Hull White Model Parameters. More...
class  IrLgmData
 INF Model Parameters. More...
class  IrModelData
 Linear Gauss Markov Model Parameters. More...
class  LgmBuilder
 Builder for a Linear Gauss Markov model component. More...
class  LgmData
 Linear Gauss Markov Model Parameters. More...
class  LgmReversionTransformation
class  LocalVolModelBuilder
class  ModelData
class  ModelParameter
class  VolatilityParameter
class  ReversionParameter
class  StructuredModelErrorMessage
 Utility class for Structured Model errors. More...
class  Accumulator
class  EquityAccumulator
class  FxAccumulator
class  CommodityAccumulator
class  Ascot
 Serializable Convertible Bond. More...
class  AsianOption
 Serializable Asian Option. More...
class  EquityAsianOption
class  FxAsianOption
class  CommodityAsianOption
class  Autocallable_01
class  BarrierData
 Serializable obejct holding barrier data. More...
class  BarrierOption
 Serializable FX Barrier Option. More...
class  FxOptionWithBarrier
class  EquityOptionWithBarrier
class  BarrierOptionWrapper
 Barrier Option Wrapper. More...
class  SingleBarrierOptionWrapper
class  DoubleBarrierOptionWrapper
class  BasketConstituent
class  BasketData
class  BasketOption
class  EquityBasketOption
class  FxBasketOption
class  CommodityBasketOption
class  BasketVarianceSwap
class  EquityBasketVarianceSwap
class  FxBasketVarianceSwap
class  CommodityBasketVarianceSwap
class  BestEntryOption
class  EquityBestEntryOption
class  FxBestEntryOption
class  CommodityBestEntryOption
class  BondData
class  Bond
 Serializable Bond. More...
struct  BondBuilder
 Bond Factory that builds bonds from reference data. More...
class  BondFactory
struct  VanillaBondBuilder
class  BondBasket
 Serializable Bond-Basket Data. More...
class  BondOption
 Serializable Bond Option. More...
class  BondPositionData
class  BondPosition
class  BondPositionInstrumentWrapper
 Equity Position instrument wrapper. More...
class  BondRepo
class  BondTRS
class  AscotEngineBuilder
class  AscotIntrinsicEngineBuilder
class  AsianOptionEngineBuilder
 Abstract Engine Builder for Asian Options. More...
class  EuropeanAsianOptionMCDAAPEngineBuilder
 Discrete Monte Carlo Engine Builder for European Asian Arithmetic Average Price Options. More...
class  EuropeanAsianOptionMCDAASEngineBuilder
 Discrete Monte Carlo Engine Builder for European Asian Arithmetic Average Strike Options. More...
class  EuropeanAsianOptionMCDGAPEngineBuilder
 Discrete Monte Carlo Engine Builder for European Asian Geometric Average Price Options. More...
class  EuropeanAsianOptionADGAPEngineBuilder
 Discrete Analytic Engine Builder for European Asian Geometric Average Price Options. More...
class  EuropeanAsianOptionADGASEngineBuilder
 Discrete Analytic Engine Builder for European Asian Geometric Average Strike Options. More...
class  EuropeanAsianOptionACGAPEngineBuilder
 Continuous Analytic Engine Builder for European Asian Geometric Average Price Options. More...
class  EuropeanAsianOptionTWEngineBuilder
 Discrete Analytic TW Engine Builder for European Asian Arithmetic Average Price Options. More...
class  AsianOptionScriptedEngineBuilder
class  BondEngineBuilder
 Engine Builder base class for Bonds. More...
class  BondDiscountingEngineBuilder
 Discounting Engine Builder class for Bonds. More...
class  BondMultiStateDiscountingEngineBuilder
 Multi State Engine Builder class for Bonds. More...
class  BondOptionEngineBuilder
 Engine builder for bond option. More...
class  BondRepoEngineBuilderBase
 Bond Repo engine builder base class. More...
class  DiscountingBondRepoEngineBuilder
 Discounting Bond Repo Engine Builder. More...
class  AccrualBondRepoEngineBuilder
 Accrual Bond Repo Engine Builder. More...
class  BondTRSEngineBuilder
class  DiscountingBondTRSEngineBuilder
class  CachingEngineBuilder
 Abstract template EngineBuilder class that can cache engines and coupon pricers. More...
class  CapFloorEngineBuilder
 Engine Builder for Caps, Floors and Collars on an IborIndex. More...
class  CapFlooredAverageBMACouponLegEngineBuilder
 CouponPricer Builder for CapFlooredAVerageBMACouponLeg. More...
class  CapFlooredAverageONIndexedCouponLegEngineBuilder
 CouponPricer Builder for CapFlooredOvernightIndexedCouponLeg. More...
class  CapFlooredCpiLegCouponEngineBuilder
 CouponPricer Builder for Capped/Floored CPI Inflation Leg. More...
class  CapFlooredCpiLegCashFlowEngineBuilder
class  CapFlooredIborLegEngineBuilder
 CouponPricer Builder for CapFlooredIborLeg. More...
class  CapFlooredNonStandardYoYLegEngineBuilder
 CouponPricer Builder for Capped/Floored YoY Inflation Leg. More...
class  CapFlooredOvernightIndexedCouponLegEngineBuilder
 CouponPricer Builder for CapFlooredOvernightIndexedCouponLeg. More...
class  CapFlooredYoYLegEngineBuilder
 CouponPricer Builder for Capped/Floored YoY Inflation Leg. More...
class  CboMCEngineBuilder
class  CdoEngineBuilder
class  GaussCopulaBucketingCdoEngineBuilder
class  CliquetOptionEngineBuilder
 Engine builder for Cliquet Options. More...
class  EquityCliquetOptionEngineBuilder
 Engine Builder for Equity Cliquet Options. More...
class  EquityCliquetOptionMcScriptEngineBuilder
class  CmsCouponPricerBuilder
 CouponPricer Builder for CmsLeg. More...
class  AnalyticHaganCmsCouponPricerBuilder
class  NumericalHaganCmsCouponPricerBuilder
class  LinearTSRCmsCouponPricerBuilder
class  CmsSpreadCouponPricerBuilder
 CouponPricer Builder for CmsSpreadLeg. More...
class  CommodityApoBaseEngineBuilder
 Engine builder base class for Commodity Average Price Options. More...
class  CommodityApoAnalyticalEngineBuilder
 Analytical Engine builder for Commodity Average Price Options. More...
class  CommodityApoMonteCarloEngineBuilder
 Monte Carlo Engine builder for Commodity Average Price Options. More...
class  CommodityApoModelBuilder
class  CommodityEuropeanAsianOptionMCDAAPEngineBuilder
 Discrete Monte Carlo Engine Builder for European Asian Commodity Arithmetic Average Price Options. More...
class  CommodityEuropeanAsianOptionMCDAASEngineBuilder
 Discrete Monte Carlo Engine Builder for European Asian Commodity Arithmetic Average Strike Options. More...
class  CommodityEuropeanAsianOptionMCDGAPEngineBuilder
 Discrete Monte Carlo Engine Builder for European Asian Commodity Geometric Average Price Options. More...
class  CommodityEuropeanAsianOptionADGAPEngineBuilder
 Discrete Analytic Engine Builder for European Asian Commodity Geometric Average Price Options. More...
class  CommodityEuropeanAsianOptionADGASEngineBuilder
 Discrete Analytic Engine Builder for European Asian Commodity Geometric Average Strike Options. More...
class  CommodityEuropeanAsianOptionACGAPEngineBuilder
 Continuous Analytic Engine Builder for European Asian Commodity Geometric Average Price Options. More...
class  CommodityEuropeanAsianOptionTWEngineBuilder
 Discrete Analytic TW Engine Builder for European Asian Commodity Arithmetic Average Price Options. More...
class  CommodityForwardEngineBuilder
 Engine builder for commodity forward. More...
class  CommodityEuropeanOptionEngineBuilder
class  CommodityEuropeanForwardOptionEngineBuilder
class  CommodityEuropeanCSOptionEngineBuilder
class  CommodityAmericanOptionFDEngineBuilder
class  CommodityAmericanOptionBAWEngineBuilder
class  CommoditySpreadOptionBaseEngineBuilder
 Base Engine builder for Commodity Spread Options. More...
class  CommoditySpreadOptionEngineBuilder
 Analytical Engine builder for Commodity Spread Options. More...
class  CommoditySwapEngineBuilder
 Engine builder for Commodity Swaps. More...
class  CommoditySwaptionEngineBuilder
 Engine builder for Commodity Swaptions. More...
class  CommoditySwaptionAnalyticalEngineBuilder
 Analytical Approximation Engine builder for Commodity Swaptions. More...
class  CommoditySwaptionMonteCarloEngineBuilder
 Monte Carlo Engine builder for Commodity Swaptions. More...
class  ConvertibleBondEngineBuilder
class  ConvertibleBondFDDefaultableEquityJumpDiffusionEngineBuilder
class  CpiCapFloorEngineBuilder
 Engine Builder for CPI Caps, Floors and Collars. More...
class  CDSEngineKey
class  CreditDefaultSwapEngineBuilder
 Engine builder base class for credit default swaps. More...
class  MidPointCdsEngineBuilder
 Midpoint engine builder class for credit default swaps. More...
class  MidPointCdsMultiStateEngineBuilder
 Multi State Engine Builder class for CDS. More...
class  CreditDefaultSwapOptionEngineBuilder
 Engine Builder base class for Credit Default Swap Options. More...
class  BlackCdsOptionEngineBuilder
 Black CDS option engine builder for CDS options. More...
class  CreditLinkedSwapEngineBuilder
class  CamAmcCurrencySwapEngineBuilder
 Multileg option engine builder for external cam, with additional simulation dates (AMC) More...
class  DurationAdjustedCmsCouponPricerBuilder
class  LinearTsrDurationAdjustedCmsCouponPricerBuilder
class  EquityEuropeanAsianOptionMCDAAPEngineBuilder
 Discrete Monte Carlo Engine Builder for European Asian Equity Arithmetic Average Price Options. More...
class  EquityEuropeanAsianOptionMCDAASEngineBuilder
 Discrete Monte Carlo Engine Builder for European Asian Equity Arithmetic Average Strike Options. More...
class  EquityEuropeanAsianOptionMCDGAPEngineBuilder
 Discrete Monte Carlo Engine Builder for European Asian Equity Geometric Average Price Options. More...
class  EquityEuropeanAsianOptionADGAPEngineBuilder
 Discrete Analytic Engine Builder for European Asian Equity Geometric Average Price Options. More...
class  EquityEuropeanAsianOptionADGASEngineBuilder
 Discrete Analytic Engine Builder for European Asian Equity Geometric Average Strike Options. More...
class  EquityEuropeanAsianOptionACGAPEngineBuilder
 Continuous Analytic Engine Builder for European Asian Equity Geometric Average Price Options. More...
class  EquityEuropeanAsianOptionTWEngineBuilder
 Discrete Analytic TW Engine Builder for European Asian Equity Arithmetic Average Price Options. More...
class  EquityBarrierOptionEngineBuilder
 Engine Builder for Equity Barrier Options. More...
class  EquityBarrierOptionAnalyticEngineBuilder
class  EquityBarrierOptionFDEngineBuilder
class  EquityEuropeanCompositeEngineBuilder
 Engine Builder for Composite European Equity Options. More...
class  EquityDigitalOptionEngineBuilder
 Engine Builder for European EQ Digital Options. More...
class  EquityDoubleBarrierOptionEngineBuilder
 Engine Builder for Equity Double Barrier Options. More...
class  EquityDoubleBarrierOptionAnalyticEngineBuilder
class  EquityDoubleTouchOptionEngineBuilder
 Abstract Engine Builder for EQ Double Touch Options. More...
class  EquityDoubleTouchOptionAnalyticEngineBuilder
 Analytical Engine Builder for EQ Double Touch Options. More...
class  EquityForwardEngineBuilder
 Engine Builder for European Equity Forwards. More...
class  EquityFutureEuropeanOptionEngineBuilder
class  EquityEuropeanOptionEngineBuilder
 Engine Builder for European Equity Option Options. More...
class  EquityEuropeanCSOptionEngineBuilder
class  EquityAmericanOptionFDEngineBuilder
 Engine Builder for American Equity Options using Finite Difference Method. More...
class  EquityAmericanOptionBAWEngineBuilder
 Engine Builder for American Equity Options using Barone Adesi Whaley Approximation. More...
class  EquityTouchOptionEngineBuilder
 Engine Builder for EQ Touch Options. More...
class  fwdBondEngineBuilder
class  DiscountingForwardBondEngineBuilder
class  FxEuropeanAsianOptionMCDAAPEngineBuilder
 Discrete Monte Carlo Engine Builder for European Asian Fx Arithmetic Average Price Options. More...
class  FxEuropeanAsianOptionMCDAASEngineBuilder
 Discrete Monte Carlo Engine Builder for European Asian Fx Arithmetic Average Strike Options. More...
class  FxEuropeanAsianOptionMCDGAPEngineBuilder
 Discrete Monte Carlo Engine Builder for European Asian Fx Geometric Average Price Options. More...
class  FxEuropeanAsianOptionADGAPEngineBuilder
 Discrete Analytic Engine Builder for European Asian Fx Geometric Average Price Options. More...
class  FxEuropeanAsianOptionADGASEngineBuilder
 Discrete Analytic Engine Builder for European Asian Fx Geometric Average Strike Options. More...
class  FxEuropeanAsianOptionACGAPEngineBuilder
 Continuous Analytic Engine Builder for European Asian Fx Geometric Average Price Options. More...
class  FxEuropeanAsianOptionTWEngineBuilder
 Discrete Analytic TW Engine Builder for European Asian Fx Arithmetic Average Price Options. More...
class  FxBarrierOptionEngineBuilder
 Engine Builder for European FX Barrier Options. More...
class  FxBarrierOptionAnalyticEngineBuilder
class  FxBarrierOptionFDEngineBuilder
class  FxDigitalBarrierOptionEngineBuilder
 Engine Builder for European FX Digital Barrier Options. More...
class  FxDigitalOptionEngineBuilder
 Engine Builder for European FX Digital Options. More...
class  FxDigitalCSOptionEngineBuilder
 Engine Builder for European cash-settled FX Digital Options. More...
class  FxDoubleBarrierOptionEngineBuilder
 Engine Builder for European FX Double Barrier Options. More...
class  FxDoubleBarrierOptionAnalyticEngineBuilder
 Analytical Engine Builder for FX Double Barrier Options. More...
class  FxDoubleTouchOptionEngineBuilder
 Abstract Engine Builder for FX Double Touch Options. More...
class  FxDoubleTouchOptionAnalyticEngineBuilder
 Analytical Engine Builder for FX Double Touch Options. More...
class  FxForwardEngineBuilderBase
 Engine Builder base class for FX Forwards. More...
class  FxForwardEngineBuilder
 Engine Builder for FX Forwards. More...
class  CamAmcFxForwardEngineBuilder
 FX forward engine builder for external cam, with additional simulation dates (AMC) More...
class  FxEuropeanOptionEngineBuilder
 Engine Builder for European Fx Option Options. More...
class  FxEuropeanCSOptionEngineBuilder
class  FxAmericanOptionFDEngineBuilder
 Engine Builder for American Fx Options using Finite Difference Method. More...
class  FxAmericanOptionBAWEngineBuilder
 Engine Builder for American Fx Options using Barone Adesi Whaley Approximation. More...
class  CamAmcFxOptionEngineBuilder
 FX option engine builder for external cam, with additional simulation dates (AMC) More...
class  FxTouchOptionEngineBuilder
 Engine Builder for FX Touch Options. More...
class  IndexCreditDefaultSwapEngineBuilder
 Engine Builder base class for Index Credit Default Swaps. More...
class  MidPointIndexCdsEngineBuilder
 Midpoint Engine Builder class for IndexCreditDefaultSwaps. More...
class  IndexCreditDefaultSwapOptionEngineBuilder
 Engine Builder base class for Index Credit Default Swap Options. More...
class  BlackIndexCdsOptionEngineBuilder
 Black CDS option engine builder for index CDS options. More...
class  NumericalIntegrationIndexCdsOptionEngineBuilder
 Numerical Integration index CDS option engine. More...
class  MultiLegOptionEngineBuilderBase
 MultiLeg option engine builder base class. More...
class  CamMcMultiLegOptionEngineBuilder
 MultiLeg option engine builder for MC pricer. More...
class  CamAmcMultiLegOptionEngineBuilder
 Multileg option engine builder for external cam, with additional simulation dates (AMC) More...
class  QuantoEquityEuropeanOptionEngineBuilder
 Engine Builder for Quanto European Equity Option Options. More...
class  QuantoVanillaOptionEngineBuilder
 Abstract Engine Builder for Quanto Vanilla Options. More...
class  QuantoEuropeanOptionEngineBuilder
 Abstract Engine Builder for Quanto European Vanilla Options. More...
class  RiskParticipationAgreementEngineBuilderBase
 RPA base engine builder. More...
class  RiskParticipationAgreementBlackEngineBuilder
 RPA Black engine builder. More...
class  RiskParticipationAgreementXCcyBlackEngineBuilder
 RPA XCcy Black engine builder. More...
class  RiskParticipationAgreementLGMGridEngineBuilder
 RPA Numeric LGM base builder. More...
class  RiskParticipationAgreementSwapLGMGridEngineBuilder
 RPA Numeric LGM engine builder for swap underlyings. More...
class  RiskParticipationAgreementTLockLGMGridEngineBuilder
 RPA Numeric LGM engine builder for tlock underlyings. More...
class  ScriptedTradeEngineBuilder
class  SwapEngineBuilderBase
 Engine Builder base class for Single Currency Swaps. More...
class  SwapEngineBuilder
 Engine Builder for Single Currency Swaps. More...
class  SwapEngineBuilderOptimised
 Engine Builder for Single Currency Swaps. More...
class  CrossCurrencySwapEngineBuilderBase
 Engine Builder base class for Cross Currency Swaps. More...
class  CrossCurrencySwapEngineBuilder
 Discounted Cashflows Engine Builder for Cross Currency Swaps. More...
class  CamAmcSwapEngineBuilder
 Implementation of SwapEngineBuilderBase using MC pricer for external cam / AMC. More...
class  EuropeanSwaptionEngineBuilder
 European Swaption Engine Builder. More...
class  BermudanSwaptionEngineBuilder
 Abstract BermudanSwaptionEngineBuilder class. More...
class  LGMBermudanSwaptionEngineBuilder
 Abstract LGMBermudanSwaptionEngineBuilder class. More...
class  LGMGridBermudanSwaptionEngineBuilder
 Implementation of BermudanSwaptionEngineBuilder using LGM Grid pricer. More...
class  LgmMcBermudanSwaptionEngineBuilder
 Implementation of LGMBermudanSwaptionEngineBuilder using MC pricer. More...
class  LgmAmcBermudanSwaptionEngineBuilder
class  CachingOptionEngineBuilder
class  VanillaOptionEngineBuilder
 Abstract Engine Builder for Vanilla Options. More...
class  EuropeanOptionEngineBuilder
 Abstract Engine Builder for European Vanilla Options. More...
class  EuropeanForwardOptionEngineBuilder
 Abstract Engine Builder for European Vanilla Forward Options. More...
class  EuropeanCSOptionEngineBuilder
class  AmericanOptionEngineBuilder
 Abstract Engine Builder for American Vanilla Options. More...
class  AmericanOptionFDEngineBuilder
 Abstract Engine Builder for American Vanilla Options using Finite Difference Method. More...
class  AmericanOptionBAWEngineBuilder
 Abstract Engine Builder for American Vanilla Options using Barone Adesi Whaley Approximation. More...
class  VarSwapEngineBuilder
 Engine Builder for Variance Swaps. More...
class  YoYCapFloorEngineBuilder
 Engine Builder for Year on Year Caps, Floors and Collars on an IborIndex. More...
class  CapFloor
 Serializable cap, floor, collar. More...
class  CboReferenceDatum
class  CBO
struct  CBOTrsUnderlyingBuilder
class  SyntheticCDO
 Serializable CDS Index Tranche (Synthetic CDO) More...
class  CliquetOption
 Serializable Equity Cliquet Option. More...
class  EquityCliquetOption
class  CommodityAveragePriceOption
class  CommodityDigitalAveragePriceOption
class  CommodityDigitalOption
 Commodity digital option trade representation as call spread. More...
class  CommodityForward
class  CommodityFixedLegBuilder
class  CommodityFloatingLegBuilder
class  CommodityFixedLegData
class  CommodityFloatingLegData
class  CommodityOption
 Commodity option trade representation. More...
class  CommodityOptionStrip
class  CommodityPositionData
 Serializable Commodity Position Data. More...
class  CommodityPosition
 Serializable Commodity Position. More...
class  CommodityPositionInstrumentWrapper
 Commodity Position instrument wrapper. More...
class  CommodityPositionInstrumentWrapperEngine
class  CommoditySpreadOptionData
class  CommoditySpreadOption
class  CommoditySwap
class  CommoditySwaption
class  CompositeInstrumentWrapper
 Composite Instrument Wrapper. More...
class  CompositeTrade
 Composite Trade class. More...
class  ConvertibleBond
 Serializable Convertible Bond. More...
struct  ConvertibleBondTrsUnderlyingBuilder
struct  ConvertibleBondBuilder
class  ConvertibleBondData
class  ConvertibleBondReferenceDatum
 Convertible Bond Reference data. More...
class  CreditDefaultSwap
class  CdsReferenceInformation
class  CreditDefaultSwapData
class  CreditDefaultSwapOption
class  CreditLinkedSwap
class  CrossCurrencySwap
 Serializable Cross Currency Swap contract. More...
class  DoubleDigitalOption
class  DurationAdjustedCmsLegBuilder
class  DurationAdjustedCmsLegData
class  EngineData
 Pricing engine description. More...
class  EngineBuilder
 Base PricingEngine Builder class for a specific model and engine. More...
class  DelegatingEngineBuilder
 Delegating Engine Builder. More...
class  EngineBuilderFactory
 Engine/ Leg Builder Factory - notice that both engine and leg builders are allowed to maintain a state. More...
class  EngineFactory
 Pricing Engine Factory class. More...
class  LegBuilder
class  Envelope
 Serializable object holding generic trade data, reporting dimensions. More...
class  EquityBarrierOption
 Serializable EQ Barrier Option. More...
class  EquityDerivative
 Base class for all Equity Derivaties. More...
class  EquitySingleAssetDerivative
 Base class for all single asset Equity Derivaties. More...
class  EquityDigitalOption
 Serializable EQ Digital Option. More...
class  EquityDoubleBarrierOption
 Serializable Equity Double Barrier Option. More...
class  EquityDoubleTouchOption
 SerializableEQ Double One-Touch/No-Touch Option. More...
class  EquityEuropeanBarrierOption
 Serializable EQ European Barrier Option. More...
class  EquityForward
 Serializable Equity Forward contract. More...
class  EquityFutureOption
 Serializable EQ Futures Option. More...
class  EquityMarginLegBuilder
class  EquityMarginLegData
 Serializable Equity Margin Leg Data. More...
class  EquityOption
 Serializable Equity Option. More...
class  EquityOptionUnderlyingData
 Serializable Equity Option Underlying Data, this represents one underlying in EquityOptionPositionData. More...
class  EquityOptionPositionData
 Serializable Equity Option Position Data. More...
class  EquityOptionPosition
 Serializable Equity Option Position. More...
class  EquityOptionPositionInstrumentWrapper
 Equity Option Position instrument wrapper. More...
class  EquityOptionPositionInstrumentWrapperEngine
class  EquityPositionData
 Serializable Equity Position Data. More...
class  EquityPosition
 Serializable Equity Position. More...
class  EquityPositionInstrumentWrapper
 Equity Position instrument wrapper. More...
class  EquityPositionInstrumentWrapperEngine
class  EquitySwap
 Serializable Equity Swap contract. More...
class  EquityTouchOption
 Serializable EQ One-Touch/No-Touch Option. More...
class  EuropeanOptionBarrier
class  FailedTrade
class  RequiredFixings
class  FixingDateGetter
class  ForwardBond
class  ForwardRateAgreement
 Serializable ForwardRateAgreement. More...
class  FxAverageForward
 Serializable Fx Average Forward. More...
class  FxBarrierOption
 Serializable FX Barrier Option. More...
class  FxDerivative
 Base class for all FX Derivaties. More...
class  FxSingleAssetDerivative
 Base class for all single asset FX Derivaties. More...
class  FxDigitalBarrierOption
 Serializable FX Digital Barrier Option. More...
class  FxDigitalOption
 Serializable FX Digital Option. More...
class  FxDoubleBarrierOption
 Serializable FX Double Barrier Option. More...
class  FxDoubleTouchOption
 Serializable FX Double One-Touch/No-Touch Option. More...
class  FxEuropeanBarrierOption
 Serializable FX European Barrier Option. More...
class  FxForward
 Serializable FX Forward. More...
class  FxKIKOBarrierOption
 Serializable FX KIKO Barrier Option. More...
class  FxOption
 Serializable FX Option. More...
class  FxSwap
 Serializable FX Swap. More...
class  FxTouchOption
 Serializable FX One-Touch/No-Touch Option. More...
class  GenericBarrierOption
class  EquityGenericBarrierOption
class  FxGenericBarrierOption
class  CommodityGenericBarrierOption
class  IndexCreditDefaultSwap
class  IndexCreditDefaultSwapData
class  IndexCreditDefaultSwapOption
class  Indexing
 Serializable object holding indexing data. More...
class  InflationSwap
 Serializable Cross Currency Swap contract. More...
class  InstrumentWrapper
 Instrument Wrapper. More...
class  VanillaInstrument
 Vanilla Instrument Wrapper. More...
class  KnockOutSwap
class  FixedLegBuilder
class  ZeroCouponFixedLegBuilder
class  FloatingLegBuilder
class  CashflowLegBuilder
class  CPILegBuilder
class  YYLegBuilder
class  CMSLegBuilder
class  CMBLegBuilder
class  DigitalCMSLegBuilder
class  CMSSpreadLegBuilder
class  DigitalCMSSpreadLegBuilder
class  EquityLegBuilder
class  LegAdditionalData
 Serializable Additional Leg Data. More...
class  CashflowData
 Serializable Cashflow Leg Data. More...
class  FixedLegData
 Serializable Fixed Leg Data. More...
class  ZeroCouponFixedLegData
 Serializable Fixed Leg Data. More...
class  FloatingLegData
 Serializable Floating Leg Data. More...
class  CPILegData
 Serializable CPI Leg Data. More...
class  YoYLegData
 Serializable YoY Leg Data. More...
class  CMSLegData
 Serializable CMS Leg Data. More...
class  DigitalCMSLegData
 Serializable Digital CMS Leg Data. More...
class  CMSSpreadLegData
 Serializable CMS Spread Leg Data. More...
class  DigitalCMSSpreadLegData
 Serializable Digital CMS Spread Leg Data. More...
class  CMBLegData
 Serializable Constant Maturity Bond Yield Leg Data. More...
class  EquityLegData
 Serializable Fixed Leg Data. More...
class  AmortizationData
 Serializable object holding amortization rules. More...
class  LegData
 Serializable object holding leg data. More...
class  LegDataFactory
class  MultiLegOption
class  CSA
class  NettingSetDefinition
 Netting Set Definition. More...
class  NettingSetDetails
 Serializable object holding netting set identification data. More...
class  NettingSetManager
 Netting Set Manager. More...
class  OptionData
 Serializable object holding option data. More...
class  ExerciseBuilder
class  OptionExerciseData
class  OptionPaymentData
class  OptionWrapper
 Option Wrapper. More...
class  EuropeanOptionWrapper
 European Option Wrapper. More...
class  AmericanOptionWrapper
 American Option Wrapper. More...
class  BermudanOptionWrapper
 Bermudan Option Wrapper. More...
class  PerformanceOption_01
class  Portfolio
 Serializable portfolio. More...
class  PremiumData
 Serializable object holding premium data. More...
class  RainbowOption
class  EquityRainbowOption
class  FxRainbowOption
class  CommodityRainbowOption
class  RangeBound
 Serializable obejct holding range bound data. More...
class  ReferenceDatum
 Base class for reference data. More...
class  BondReferenceDatum
class  CreditIndexConstituent
class  CreditIndexReferenceDatum
 Credit index reference data, contains a set of index constituents. More...
class  IndexReferenceDatum
 Base class for indices - lets see if we can keep this, they might diverge too much... More...
class  EquityIndexReferenceDatum
 EquityIndex Reference data, contains the names and weights of an equity index. More...
class  CommodityIndexReferenceDatum
 EquityIndex Reference data, contains the names and weights of an equity index. More...
class  CurrencyHedgedEquityIndexReferenceDatum
class  CreditReferenceDatum
 CreditIndex Reference data, contains the names and weights of a credit index. More...
class  EquityReferenceDatum
 Equity Reference data. More...
class  BondBasketReferenceDatum
 Bond Basket Reference Data. More...
class  ReferenceDataManager
 Interface for Reference Data lookups. More...
class  BasicReferenceDataManager
 Basic Concrete impl that loads an big XML and keeps data in memory. More...
class  AbstractReferenceDatumBuilder
class  ReferenceDatumBuilder
 Template TradeBuilder class. More...
class  ReferenceDatumFactory
class  RiskParticipationAgreement
 Serializable risk participation agreement. More...
class  ScheduleRules
 Serializable object holding schedule Rules data. More...
class  ScheduleDates
 Serializable object holding schedule Dates data. More...
class  ScheduleDerived
 Serializable object holding Derived schedule data. More...
class  ScheduleData
 Serializable schedule data. More...
class  ScheduleBuilder
class  ScriptedTradeEventData
class  ScriptedTradeValueTypeData
class  ScriptedTradeScriptData
class  ScriptLibraryData
class  ScriptedTrade
class  ScriptLibraryStorage
struct  SimmCreditQualifierMapping
class  StructuredConfigurationErrorMessage
 Utility classes for Structured configuration errors, contains the configuration type and ID (NettingSetId, CounterParty, etc.) More...
class  StructuredConfigurationWarningMessage
 Utility classes for Structured warnings, contains the configuration type and ID (NettingSetId, CounterParty, etc.) More...
class  StructuredTradeErrorMessage
 Utility class for Structured Trade errors, contains the Trade ID and Type. More...
class  StructuredTradeWarningMessage
 Utility classes for Structured warnings, contains the Trade ID and Type. More...
class  Swap
 Serializable Swap, Single and Cross Currency. More...
class  Swaption
 Serializable Swaption. More...
class  TaRF
class  EquityTaRF
class  FxTaRF
class  CommodityTaRF
class  TreasuryLockData
class  Trade
 Trade base class. More...
class  TradeAction
 Serializable object holding a trade action. More...
class  TradeActions
 Serializable object holding generic trade actions. More...
class  TradeBarrier
class  AbstractTradeBuilder
 TradeBuilder base class. More...
class  TradeBuilder
 Template TradeBuilder class. More...
class  TradeFactory
 TradeFactory. More...
class  TradeMonetary
class  TradeStrike
class  TrancheData
 Serializable Bond-Basket Data. More...
class  TRS
class  CFD
struct  TrsUnderlyingBuilder
class  TrsUnderlyingBuilderFactory
struct  BondTrsUnderlyingBuilder
struct  ForwardBondTrsUnderlyingBuilder
struct  AssetPositionTrsUnderlyingBuilder
struct  EquityOptionPositionTrsUnderlyingBuilder
struct  BondPositionTrsUnderlyingBuilder
struct  DerivativeTrsUnderlyingBuilder
class  TRSWrapper
 TRS Instrument Wrapper. More...
class  TRSWrapperAccrualEngine
struct  PaymentLagPeriod
struct  PaymentLagInteger
class  Underlying
 Class to hold Underlyings. More...
class  BasicUnderlying
class  EquityUnderlying
class  CommodityUnderlying
class  FXUnderlying
class  InterestRateUnderlying
class  InflationUnderlying
class  CreditUnderlying
class  BondUnderlying
class  UnderlyingBuilder
class  VanillaOptionTrade
 Serializable Vanilla Option. More...
class  VarSwap
class  EqVarSwap
class  FxVarSwap
class  ComVarSwap
class  WindowBarrierOption
class  EquityWindowBarrierOption
class  FxWindowBarrierOption
class  CommodityWindowBarrierOption
class  WorstOfBasketSwap
class  EquityWorstOfBasketSwap
class  FxWorstOfBasketSwap
class  CommodityWorstOfBasketSwap
class  CSVFileReport
class  InMemoryReport
class  PlainInMemoryReport
 InMemoryReport with access to plain types instead of boost::variant<>, to facilitate language bindings. More...
class  Report
struct  LocationInfo
struct  ASTNode
struct  OperatorPlusNode
struct  OperatorMinusNode
struct  OperatorMultiplyNode
struct  OperatorDivideNode
struct  NegateNode
struct  FunctionAbsNode
struct  FunctionExpNode
struct  FunctionLogNode
struct  FunctionSqrtNode
struct  FunctionNormalCdfNode
struct  FunctionNormalPdfNode
struct  FunctionMaxNode
struct  FunctionMinNode
struct  FunctionPowNode
struct  FunctionBlackNode
struct  FunctionDcfNode
struct  FunctionDaysNode
struct  FunctionPayNode
struct  FunctionLogPayNode
struct  FunctionNpvNode
struct  FunctionNpvMemNode
struct  HistFixingNode
struct  FunctionDiscountNode
struct  FunctionFwdCompNode
struct  FunctionFwdAvgNode
struct  FunctionAboveProbNode
struct  FunctionBelowProbNode
struct  FunctionDateIndexNode
struct  SortNode
struct  PermuteNode
struct  ConstantNumberNode
struct  VariableNode
struct  SizeOpNode
struct  VarEvaluationNode
struct  AssignmentNode
struct  RequireNode
struct  DeclarationNumberNode
struct  SequenceNode
struct  ConditionEqNode
struct  ConditionNeqNode
struct  ConditionLtNode
struct  ConditionLeqNode
struct  ConditionGtNode
struct  ConditionGeqNode
struct  ConditionNotNode
struct  ConditionAndNode
struct  ConditionOrNode
struct  IfThenElseNode
struct  LoopNode
class  ComputationGraphBuilder
struct  Context
class  AnalyticBlackRiskParticipationAgreementEngine
class  AnalyticXCcyBlackRiskParticipationAgreementEngine
class  CliquetOptionMcScriptEngine
class  NumericLgmRiskParticipationAgreementEngine
class  NumericLgmRiskParticipationAgreementEngineTLock
class  RiskParticipationAgreementBaseEngine
class  ScriptedInstrumentAmcCalculator
class  ScriptedInstrumentPricingEngine
class  ScriptedInstrumentPricingEngineCG
struct  ASTNodeAnnotation
struct  ScriptGrammar
class  AmcModel
class  BlackScholes
class  BlackScholesBase
class  BlackScholesCG
class  BlackScholesCGBase
class  DummyModel
class  FdBlackScholesBase
class  GaussianCam
class  LocalVol
class  Model
class  ModelCG
class  ModelCGImpl
class  ModelImpl
class  PayLog
class  SafeStack
class  ScriptEngine
struct  ParserError
class  ScriptParser
class  StaticAnalyser
class  IndexInfo
struct  EventVec
struct  CurrencyVec
struct  IndexVec
struct  DaycounterVec
struct  ValueTypeWhich
class  BondIndexBuilder
class  CalendarAdjustmentConfig
class  CalendarParser
class  ConventionsBasedFutureExpiry
 Perform date calculations for future contracts based on conventions. More...
struct  CorrelationFactor
class  CorrelationMatrixBuilder
class  CSVReader
class  CSVFileReader
class  CSVBufferReader
class  CurrencyConfig
 Currency configuration. More...
class  CurrencyHedgedEquityIndexDecomposition
class  CurrencyParser
class  DateGrid
 Simulation Date Grid. More...
class  FileIO
class  FilteredBufferedLogger
class  FilteredBufferedLoggerGuard
 Utility class to build a logger and remove it from the global logger when it goes out of scope. More...
class  IndexNameTranslator
 IndexNameTranslator. More...
class  Logger
 The Base Custom Log Handler class. More...
class  StderrLogger
 Stderr Logger. More...
class  FileLogger
 FileLogger. More...
class  BufferLogger
 BufferLogger. More...
class  IndependentLogger
 Base Log handler class that utilises Boost logging to create log sinks. More...
class  ProgressLogger
class  StructuredLogger
class  Log
 Global static Log class. More...
class  LoggerStream
 LoggerStream class that is a std::ostream replacement that will log each line. More...
class  JSONMessage
class  StructuredMessage
class  StructuredLoggingErrorMessage
class  EventMessage
class  ProgressMessage
class  ConsoleLog
 Singleton to control console logging. More...
class  ProgressIndicator
 Abstract Base class for a Progress Indicator. More...
class  ProgressReporter
 Base class for a Progress Reporter. More...
class  SimpleProgressBar
 Simple Progress Bar. More...
class  ProgressLog
 Progress Logger that writes the progress using the LOG macro. More...
class  NoProgressBar
class  MultiThreadedProgressIndicator
struct  Strike
class  DeltaString
 Utility class for handling delta strings ATM, 10P, 25C, ... used e.g. for FX Surfaces. More...
class  TimePeriod
 Handles non-contiguous time period. More...
class  Wildcard
class  XMLDocument
 Small XML Document wrapper class. More...
class  XMLSerializable
 Base class for all serializable classes. More...
class  XMLUtils
 XML Utilities Class. More...


using YieldCurveConfigMap = std::map< string, boost::shared_ptr< YieldCurveConfig > >
template<class T , typename... Args>
using CachingPricingEngineBuilder = CachingEngineBuilder< T, PricingEngine, Args... >
template<class T , typename... Args>
using CachingCouponPricerBuilder = CachingEngineBuilder< T, FloatingRateCouponPricer, Args... >
template<class T , typename... Args>
using CachingInflationCouponPricerBuilder = CachingEngineBuilder< T, InflationCouponPricer, Args... >
template<class T , typename... Args>
using CachingInflationCashFlowPricerBuilder = CachingEngineBuilder< T, QuantExt::InflationCashFlowPricer, Args... >
typedef AssetPositionTrsUnderlyingBuilder< ore::data::EquityPositionEquityPositionTrsUnderlyingBuilder
typedef AssetPositionTrsUnderlyingBuilder< ore::data::CommodityPositionCommodityPositionTrsUnderlyingBuilder
typedef boost::variant< QuantLib::Period, QuantLib::Natural > PaymentLag
using ASTNodePtr = boost::shared_ptr< ASTNode >
using ScriptGrammarIterator = boost::spirit::line_pos_iterator< std::string::const_iterator >
using ValueType = boost::variant< RandomVariable, EventVec, CurrencyVec, IndexVec, DaycounterVec, Filter >
typedef boost::log::sinks::synchronous_sink< boost::log::sinks::text_file_backend > file_sink
typedef boost::log::sinks::synchronous_sink< boost::log::sinks::text_ostream_backend > cout_sink
typedef rapidxml::xml_node< char > XMLNode


enum class  YieldCurveType { Discount = 0 , Yield = 1 , EquityDividend = 2 }
enum class  MarketObject {
  DiscountCurve = 0 , YieldCurve = 1 , IndexCurve = 2 , SwapIndexCurve = 3 ,
  FXSpot = 4 , FXVol = 5 , SwaptionVol = 6 , DefaultCurve = 7 ,
  CDSVol = 8 , BaseCorrelation = 9 , CapFloorVol = 10 , ZeroInflationCurve = 11 ,
  YoYInflationCurve = 12 , ZeroInflationCapFloorVol = 13 , YoYInflationCapFloorVol = 14 , EquityCurve = 15 ,
  EquityVol = 16 , Security = 17 , CommodityCurve = 18 , CommodityVolatility = 19 ,
  Correlation = 20 , YieldVol = 21
enum class  ParamType { Constant , Piecewise }
 Supported calibration parameter type.
enum class  CalibrationType { Bootstrap , BestFit , None }
 Supported calibration types. More...
enum class  CalibrationStrategy {
  CoterminalATM , CoterminalDealStrike , UnderlyingATM , UnderlyingDealStrike ,
 Supported calibration strategies.
enum class  CommodityPayRelativeTo { CalculationPeriodEndDate , CalculationPeriodStartDate , TerminationDate , FutureExpiryDate }
enum class  CommodityPriceType { Spot , FutureSettlement }
enum class  CommodityPricingDateRule { FutureExpiryDate , None }
enum class  CdsTier {
 CDS debt tier enumeration.
enum class  CdsDocClause {
  CR , MM , MR , XR ,
  CR14 , MM14 , MR14 , XR14
 CDS documentation clause enumeration.
enum class  IsdaRulesDefinitions { y2003 = 2003 , y2014 = 2014 }
 ISDA CDS documentation rules set enumeration.
enum class  CreditEventType {
 ISDA credit event types enumeration.
enum class  CreditEventTiers {
 ISDA credit event seniority sets enumeration.
enum class  MarketContext { irCalibration , fxCalibration , eqCalibration , pricing }
enum class  AmortizationType {
  None , FixedAmount , RelativeToInitialNotional , RelativeToPreviousNotional ,
  Annuity , LinearToMaturity
enum class  AssetClass {
  EQ , FX , COM , IR ,
enum class  Extrapolation { None , UseInterpolator , Flat }
 Enumeration for holding various extrapolation settings.
enum class  MomentType { Variance , Volatility }
enum class  CreditPortfolioSensitivityDecomposition { Underlying , NotionalWeighted , LossWeighted , DeltaWeighted }
 Enumeration CreditPortfolioSensitivityDecomposition.


QuantLib::VolatilityType volatilityType (CapFloorVolatilityCurveConfig::VolatilityType type)
 Imply QuantLib::VolatilityType from CapFloorVolatilityCurveConfig::VolatilityType.
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, Convention::Type type)
bool operator< (const CommodityFutureConvention::ProhibitedExpiry &lhs, const CommodityFutureConvention::ProhibitedExpiry &rhs)
 Compare two prohibited expiries.
bool indexNameLessThan (const std::string &index1, const std::string &index2)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, EquityCurveConfig::Type t)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, QuantLib::Exercise::Type t)
EquityCurveConfig::Type parseEquityCurveConfigType (const std::string &str)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, GenericYieldVolatilityCurveConfig::VolatilityType t)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, InflationCapFloorVolatilityCurveConfig::VolatilityType t)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, InflationCapFloorVolatilityCurveConfig::QuoteType t)
ReportConfig effectiveReportConfig (const ReportConfig &globalConfig, const ReportConfig &localConfig)
bool operator< (const VolatilityConfig &vc1, const VolatilityConfig &vc2)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const CurveSpec &spec)
 Stream operator for CurveSpec.
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const CurveSpec::CurveType &t)
 Stream operator for CurveType.
bool operator< (const CurveSpec &lhs, const CurveSpec &rhs)
 Relational operators for CurveSpecs.
bool operator== (const CurveSpec &lhs, const CurveSpec &rhs)
bool operator< (const boost::shared_ptr< CurveSpec > &lhs, const boost::shared_ptr< CurveSpec > &rhs)
bool operator== (const boost::shared_ptr< CurveSpec > &lhs, const boost::shared_ptr< CurveSpec > &rhs)
boost::shared_ptr< CurveSpecparseCurveSpec (const std::string &)
 function to convert a string into a curve spec
CurveSpec::CurveType parseCurveConfigurationType (const std::string &)
 function to convert a curve configuration node string into a curve spec type
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Expiry &expiry)
 Write strike to stream.
boost::shared_ptr< ExpiryparseExpiry (const std::string &strExpiry)
 Parse an Expiry from its string representation, strExpiry.
bool operator< (const Fixing &f1, const Fixing &f2)
 Compare fixings.
void applyFixings (const std::set< Fixing > &fixings)
 Utility to write a vector of fixings in the QuantLib index manager's fixing history.
QuantLib::Date getInflationSwapStart (const Date &asof, const InflationSwapConvention &convention)
void loadDataFromBuffers (InMemoryLoader &loader, const std::vector< std::string > &marketData, const std::vector< std::string > &fixingData, bool implyTodaysFixings=false)
 Utility function for loading market quotes and fixings from an in memory csv buffer. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &, const struct PseudoCurrencyMarketParameters &)
struct PseudoCurrencyMarketParameters buildPseudoCurrencyMarketParameters (const std::map< string, string > &pricingEngineGlobalParameters=std::map< string, string >())
 Function to build parameters from PricingEngine GlobalParametrs. More...
bool operator< (const MarketDatum &a, const MarketDatum &b)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const MarketDatum::QuoteType &type)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const MarketDatum::InstrumentType &type)
boost::shared_ptr< MarketDatumparseMarketDatum (const Date &, const string &, const Real &)
 Function to parse a market datum.
Date getDateFromDateOrPeriod (const string &token, Date asof, QuantLib::Calendar cal=QuantLib::WeekendsOnly(), QuantLib::BusinessDayConvention bdc=QuantLib::BusinessDayConvention::Following)
 Get a date from a date string or period.
boost::variant< QuantLib::Period, FXForwardQuote::FxFwdString > parseFxPeriod (const string &s)
 Convert text to QuantLib::Period of Fx forward string.
QuantLib::Period fxFwdQuoteTenor (const boost::variant< QuantLib::Period, FXForwardQuote::FxFwdString > &term)
QuantLib::Period fxFwdQuoteStartTenor (const boost::variant< QuantLib::Period, FXForwardQuote::FxFwdString > &term, const boost::shared_ptr< FXConvention > &fxConvention=nullptr)
bool matchFxFwdStringTerm (const boost::variant< QuantLib::Period, FXForwardQuote::FxFwdString > &term, const FXForwardQuote::FxFwdString &fxfwdString)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const BaseStrike &strike)
 Write strike to stream.
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, QuantLib::DeltaVolQuote::DeltaType type)
 Write deltaType to stream. Not provided in QuantLib so add it here.
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, QuantLib::DeltaVolQuote::AtmType type)
 Write atmType to stream. Not provided in QuantLib so add it here.
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, MoneynessStrike::Type type)
 Write MoneynessStrike::Type, type, to stream.
MoneynessStrike::Type parseMoneynessType (const std::string &type)
 Parse MoneynessStrike::Type from type.
boost::shared_ptr< BaseStrikeparseBaseStrike (const std::string &strStrike)
 Parse a Strike from its string representation, strStrike.
template<class Archive >
void registerBaseStrike (Archive &ar)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &o, const DependencyGraph::Node &n)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const MarketObject &o)
 Market Configuration structure. More...
std::set< MarketObject > getMarketObjectTypes ()
YieldCurve::InterpolationMethod parseYieldCurveInterpolationMethod (const string &s)
 Helper function for parsing interpolation method.
YieldCurve::InterpolationVariable parseYieldCurveInterpolationVariable (const string &s)
 Helper function for parsing interpolation variable.
template<template< class > class CurveType>
boost::shared_ptr< YieldTermStructure > buildYieldCurve (const vector< Date > &dates, const vector< QuantLib::Real > &rates, const DayCounter &dayCounter, YieldCurve::InterpolationMethod interpolationMethod)
 Templated function to build a YieldTermStructure and apply interpolation methods to it.
boost::shared_ptr< YieldTermStructure > zerocurve (const vector< Date > &dates, const vector< Rate > &yields, const DayCounter &dayCounter, YieldCurve::InterpolationMethod interpolationMethod)
 Create a Interpolated Zero Curve and apply interpolators.
boost::shared_ptr< YieldTermStructure > discountcurve (const vector< Date > &dates, const vector< DiscountFactor > &dfs, const DayCounter &dayCounter, YieldCurve::InterpolationMethod interpolationMethod)
 Create a Interpolated Discount Curve and apply interpolators.
boost::shared_ptr< YieldTermStructure > forwardcurve (const vector< Date > &dates, const vector< Rate > &forwards, const DayCounter &dayCounter, YieldCurve::InterpolationMethod interpolationMethod)
 Create a Interpolated Forward Curve and apply interpolators.
template<class T >
boost::shared_ptr< CalibrationInstrumentcreateCalibrationInstrument ()
CrCirData::CalibrationStrategy parseCirCalibrationStrategy (const string &s)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &oss, const CrCirData::CalibrationStrategy &s)
CrossAssetModel::Discretization parseDiscretization (const string &s)
ParamType parseParamType (const string &s)
 Convert parameter type string into enumerated class value.
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &oss, const ParamType &type)
 Convert enumerated class value into a string.
CalibrationType parseCalibrationType (const string &s)
 Convert calibration type string into enumerated class value.
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &oss, const CalibrationType &type)
 Convert enumerated class value into a string.
CalibrationStrategy parseCalibrationStrategy (const string &s)
 Convert calibration strategy string into enumerated class value.
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &oss, const CalibrationStrategy &type)
 Convert enumerated class value into a string.
LgmData::ReversionType parseReversionType (const string &s)
 Enum parsers used in CrossAssetModelBuilder's fromXML.
LgmData::VolatilityType parseVolatilityType (const string &s)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &oss, const LgmData::ReversionType &type)
 Enum to string used in CrossAssetModelBuilder's toXML.
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &oss, const LgmData::VolatilityType &type)
template<typename Helper >
Real getCalibrationError (const std::vector< boost::shared_ptr< Helper >> &basket)
std::string getCalibrationDetails (LgmCalibrationInfo &info, const std::vector< boost::shared_ptr< BlackCalibrationHelper >> &basket, const boost::shared_ptr< IrLgm1fParametrization > &parametrization=boost::shared_ptr< IrLgm1fParametrization >())
std::string getCalibrationDetails (const std::vector< boost::shared_ptr< BlackCalibrationHelper >> &basket, const boost::shared_ptr< FxBsParametrization > &parametrization=boost::shared_ptr< FxBsParametrization >(), const boost::shared_ptr< Parametrization > &domesticLgm=boost::shared_ptr< IrLgm1fParametrization >())
std::string getCalibrationDetails (const std::vector< boost::shared_ptr< BlackCalibrationHelper >> &basket, const boost::shared_ptr< FxBsParametrization > &parametrization=boost::shared_ptr< FxBsParametrization >(), const boost::shared_ptr< IrLgm1fParametrization > &domesticLgm=boost::shared_ptr< IrLgm1fParametrization >())
std::string getCalibrationDetails (const std::vector< boost::shared_ptr< BlackCalibrationHelper >> &basket, const boost::shared_ptr< EqBsParametrization > &parametrization=boost::shared_ptr< EqBsParametrization >(), const boost::shared_ptr< Parametrization > &domesticLgm=boost::shared_ptr< IrLgm1fParametrization >())
std::string getCalibrationDetails (const std::vector< boost::shared_ptr< BlackCalibrationHelper >> &basket, const boost::shared_ptr< EqBsParametrization > &parametrization=boost::shared_ptr< EqBsParametrization >(), const boost::shared_ptr< IrLgm1fParametrization > &domesticLgm=boost::shared_ptr< IrLgm1fParametrization >())
std::string getCalibrationDetails (const std::vector< boost::shared_ptr< BlackCalibrationHelper >> &basket, const boost::shared_ptr< InfDkParametrization > &parametrization=boost::shared_ptr< InfDkParametrization >(), bool indexIsInterpolated=true)
std::string getCalibrationDetails (const std::vector< boost::shared_ptr< BlackCalibrationHelper >> &basket, const boost::shared_ptr< CommoditySchwartzParametrization > &parametrization=boost::shared_ptr< CommoditySchwartzParametrization >())
std::string getCalibrationDetails (const std::vector< boost::shared_ptr< CalibrationHelper >> &realRateBasket, const std::vector< boost::shared_ptr< CalibrationHelper >> &indexBasket, const boost::shared_ptr< InfJyParameterization > &parameterization, bool calibrateRealRateVol=false)
std::string getCalibrationDetails (const boost::shared_ptr< IrLgm1fParametrization > &parametrization)
QuantLib::Date optionMaturity (const boost::variant< QuantLib::Date, QuantLib::Period > &maturity, const QuantLib::Calendar &calendar, const QuantLib::Date &referenceDate=Settings::instance().evaluationDate())
 Return an option's maturity date, given an explicit date or a period.
Real cpiCapFloorStrikeValue (const boost::shared_ptr< BaseStrike > &strike, const boost::shared_ptr< ZeroInflationTermStructure > &curve, const QuantLib::Date &optionMaturityDate)
 Return a cpi cap/floor strike value, the input strike can be of type absolute or atm forward.
Real yoyCapFloorStrikeValue (const boost::shared_ptr< BaseStrike > &strike, const boost::shared_ptr< YoYInflationTermStructure > &curve, const QuantLib::Date &optionMaturityDate)
 Return a yoy cap/floor strike value, the input strike can be of type absolute or atm forward.
Real atmForward (const Real s0, const Handle< YieldTermStructure > &r, const Handle< YieldTermStructure > &q, const Real t)
 helper function that computes the atm forward
bool operator< (const BasketConstituent &lhs, const BasketConstituent &rhs)
void populateFromBondReferenceData (std::string &subType, std::string &issuerId, std::string &settlementDays, std::string &calendar, std::string &issueDate, std::string &priceQuoteMethod, std::string &priceQuoteBaseValue, std::string &creditCurveId, std::string &creditGroup, std::string &referenceCurveId, std::string &incomeCurveId, std::string &volatilityCurveId, std::vector< LegData > &coupons, const std::string &name, const boost::shared_ptr< BondReferenceDatum > &bondRefData, const std::string &startDate="", const std::string &endDate="")
 Populate bond data from name and ReferenceDataManager. More...
Date getOpenEndDateReplacement (const std::string &replacementPeriodStr, const Calendar &calendar=NullCalendar())
std::vector< QuantLib::Handle< QuantLib::DefaultProbabilityTermStructure > > buildPerformanceOptimizedDefaultCurves (const std::vector< QuantLib::Handle< QuantLib::DefaultProbabilityTermStructure >> &curves)
 Engine Builder base class for CDOs. More...
bool operator== (const CDSEngineKey &lhs, const CDSEngineKey &rhs)
bool operator< (const CDSEngineKey &lhs, const CDSEngineKey &rhs)
bool operator!= (const CDSEngineKey &lhs, const CDSEngineKey &rhs)
bool operator> (const CDSEngineKey &lhs, const CDSEngineKey &rhs)
bool operator<= (const CDSEngineKey &lhs, const CDSEngineKey &rhs)
bool operator>= (const CDSEngineKey &lhs, const CDSEngineKey &rhs)
CommodityPayRelativeTo parseCommodityPayRelativeTo (const std::string &s)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const CommodityPayRelativeTo &cprt)
CommodityPriceType parseCommodityPriceType (const std::string &s)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const CommodityPriceType &cpt)
CommodityPricingDateRule parseCommodityPricingDateRule (const std::string &s)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const CommodityPricingDateRule &cpdr)
CdsTier parseCdsTier (const std::string &s)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const CdsTier &cdsTier)
CdsDocClause parseCdsDocClause (const std::string &s)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const CdsDocClause &cdsDocClause)
IsdaRulesDefinitions parseIsdaRulesDefinitions (const std::string &s)
IsdaRulesDefinitions isdaRulesDefinitionsFromDocClause (const CdsDocClause &cdsDocClause)
CreditEventType parseCreditEventType (const std::string &s)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const CreditEventType &creditEventType)
bool isTriggeredDocClause (CdsDocClause contractDocClause, CreditEventType creditEventType)
CreditEventTiers parseCreditEventTiers (const std::string &s)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const CreditEventTiers &creditEventTiers)
bool isAuctionedSeniority (CdsTier contractTier, CreditEventTiers creditEventTiers)
bool tryParseCdsInformation (std::string strInfo, CdsReferenceInformation &cdsInfo)
bool operator== (const EngineData &lhs, const EngineData &rhs)
bool operator!= (const EngineData &lhs, const EngineData &rhs)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const RequiredFixings &f)
void addToRequiredFixings (const QuantLib::Leg &leg, const boost::shared_ptr< FixingDateGetter > &fixingDateGetter)
void amendInflationFixingDates (std::map< std::string, std::set< QuantLib::Date >> &fixings)
void addMarketFixingDates (const QuantLib::Date &asof, std::map< std::string, std::set< QuantLib::Date >> &fixings, const TodaysMarketParameters &mktParams, const QuantLib::Period &iborLookback=5 *QuantLib::Days, const QuantLib::Period &oisLookback=4 *QuantLib::Months, const QuantLib::Period &bmaLookback=2 *QuantLib::Weeks, const QuantLib::Period &inflationLookback=1 *QuantLib::Years)
template<class T >
boost::shared_ptr< LegAdditionalDatacreateLegData ()
QuantLib::Leg makeNonStandardIborLeg (const boost::shared_ptr< QuantLib::IborIndex > &index, const std::vector< QuantLib::Date > &calcDates, const std::vector< QuantLib::Date > &payDates, const std::vector< QuantLib::Date > &fixingDates, const std::vector< QuantLib::Date > &resetDates, const QuantLib::Size fixingDays, const std::vector< QuantLib::Real > &notionals, const std::vector< QuantLib::Date > &notionalDates, const std::vector< QuantLib::Real > &spreads, const std::vector< QuantLib::Date > &spreadDates, const std::vector< QuantLib::Real > &gearings, const std::vector< QuantLib::Date > &gearingDates, const bool strictNotionalDates, const QuantLib::DayCounter &dayCounter, const QuantLib::Calendar &payCalendar, const QuantLib::BusinessDayConvention payConv, const QuantLib::Period &payLag, const bool isInArrears)
QuantLib::Leg makeNonStandardFixedLeg (const std::vector< QuantLib::Date > &calcDates, const std::vector< QuantLib::Date > &payDates, const std::vector< QuantLib::Real > &notionals, const std::vector< QuantLib::Date > &notionalDates, const std::vector< QuantLib::Real > &rates, const std::vector< QuantLib::Date > &rateDates, const bool strictNotionalDates, const QuantLib::DayCounter &dayCounter, const QuantLib::Calendar &payCalendar, const QuantLib::BusinessDayConvention payConv, const QuantLib::Period &payLag)
CSA::Type parseCsaType (const string &s)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, CSA::Type t)
bool operator< (const NettingSetDetails &lhs, const NettingSetDetails &rhs)
 Comparison operators.
bool operator== (const NettingSetDetails &lhs, const NettingSetDetails &rhs)
bool operator!= (const NettingSetDetails &lhs, const NettingSetDetails &rhs)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const NettingSetDetails &nettingSetDetails)
 Enable writing of netting set details.
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const OptionPaymentData::RelativeTo &relativeTo)
 Print RelativeTo enum values.
std::pair< boost::shared_ptr< Trade >, bool > buildTrade (boost::shared_ptr< Trade > &trade, const boost::shared_ptr< EngineFactory > &engineFactory, const std::string &context, const bool buildFailedTrades, const bool emitStructuredError)
bool operator== (const RangeBound &a, const RangeBound &b)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const RangeBound &t)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const std::vector< RangeBound > &t)
bool operator< (const CreditIndexConstituent &lhs, const CreditIndexConstituent &rhs)
 Compare CreditIndexConstituent instances using their name.
template<class T >
boost::shared_ptr< AbstractReferenceDatumBuildercreateReferenceDatumBuilder ()
QuantLib::Schedule makeSchedule (const ScheduleData &data, const QuantLib::Date &openEndDateReplacement=QuantLib::Null< QuantLib::Date >(), const map< string, QuantLib::Schedule > &baseSchedules=map< string, QuantLib::Schedule >())
QuantLib::Schedule makeSchedule (const ScheduleDates &dates)
QuantLib::Schedule makeSchedule (const ScheduleRules &rules, const QuantLib::Date &openEndDateReplacement=QuantLib::Null< QuantLib::Date >())
QuantLib::Schedule makeSchedule (const ScheduleDerived &derived, const QuantLib::Schedule &baseSchedule)
std::string isdaSubProductSwap (const std::string &tradeId, const vector< LegData > &legData)
TRS::FundingData::NotionalType parseTrsFundingNotionalType (const std::string &s)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const TRS::FundingData::NotionalType t)
void modifyBondTRSLeg (QuantLib::Leg &leg, QuantLib::Date issueDate)
Leg makeBondTRSLeg (const std::vector< Date > &valuationDates, const std::vector< Date > &paymentDates, const BondIndexBuilder &bondIndexBuilder, QuantLib::Real initialPrice=QuantLib::Null< QuantLib::Real >(), QuantLib::ext::shared_ptr< QuantExt::FxIndex > fxIndex=nullptr)
std::string to_string (const LocationInfo &l)
std::string to_string (const ASTNodePtr root, const bool printLocationInfo=true)
void reset (const ASTNodePtr root)
std::string to_script (const ASTNodePtr root)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const Context &context)
ASTNodePtr generateRandomAST (const Size maxSequenceLength=10, const Size maxDepth=5, const Size seed=42)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const ParserError &error)
std::string printCodeContext (std::string script, const ASTNode *loc, bool compact=false)
std::vector< Date > coarsenDateGrid (const std::vector< Date > &date, const std::string &rule, const Date &referenceDate=Null< Date >())
std::pair< std::string, ScriptedTradeScriptDatagetScript (const ScriptedTrade &scriptedTrade, const ScriptLibraryData &scriptLibrary, const std::string &purpose, const bool fallBackOnEmptyPurpose)
ASTNodePtr parseScript (const std::string &code)
std::pair< std::string, Period > convertIndexToCamCorrelationEntry (const std::string &i)
void checkDuplicateName (const boost::shared_ptr< Context > context, const std::string &name)
boost::shared_ptr< ContextmakeContext (const Size nPaths, const std::string &gridCoarsening, const std::vector< std::string > &schedulesEligibleForCoarsening, const boost::shared_ptr< ReferenceDataManager > &referenceData, const std::vector< ScriptedTradeEventData > &events, const std::vector< ScriptedTradeValueTypeData > &numbers, const std::vector< ScriptedTradeValueTypeData > &indices, const std::vector< ScriptedTradeValueTypeData > &currencies, const std::vector< ScriptedTradeValueTypeData > &daycounters)
void addNewSchedulesToContext (boost::shared_ptr< Context > context, const std::vector< ScriptedTradeScriptData::NewScheduleData > &newSchedules)
void amendContextVariablesSizes (boost::shared_ptr< Context > context, const Size newSize)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &o, const IndexInfo &i)
std::vector< std::function< RandomVariable(const std::vector< const RandomVariable * > &)> > multiPathBasisSystem (Size dim, Size order, QuantLib::LsmBasisSystem::PolynomialType type, Size basisSystemSizeBound=Null< Size >())
boost::shared_ptr< QuantExt::CommodityIndexparseScriptedCommodityIndex (const std::string &indexName, const QuantLib::Date &obsDate=Date())
std::pair< boost::shared_ptr< QuantLib::ZeroInflationIndex >, std::string > parseScriptedInflationIndex (const std::string &indexName)
std::string scriptedIndexName (const boost::shared_ptr< Underlying > &underlying)
Size getInflationSimulationLag (const boost::shared_ptr< ZeroInflationIndex > &index)
std::map< std::string, std::vector< Real > > getCalibrationStrikes (const std::vector< ScriptedTradeScriptData::CalibrationData > &calibrationSpec, const boost::shared_ptr< Context > &context)
bool deterministic (const ValueType &v)
Size size (const ValueType &v)
bool operator== (const EventVec &a, const EventVec &b)
bool operator== (const CurrencyVec &a, const CurrencyVec &b)
bool operator== (const IndexVec &a, const IndexVec &b)
bool operator== (const DaycounterVec &a, const DaycounterVec &b)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const EventVec &a)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const CurrencyVec &a)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const IndexVec &a)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const DaycounterVec &a)
ValueType operator+ (const ValueType &x, const ValueType &y)
ValueType operator- (const ValueType &x, const ValueType &y)
ValueType operator* (const ValueType &x, const ValueType &y)
ValueType operator/ (const ValueType &x, const ValueType &y)
ValueType min (const ValueType &x, const ValueType &y)
ValueType max (const ValueType &x, const ValueType &y)
ValueType pow (const ValueType &x, const ValueType &y)
ValueType operator- (const ValueType &x)
ValueType abs (const ValueType &x)
ValueType exp (const ValueType &x)
ValueType log (const ValueType &x)
ValueType sqrt (const ValueType &x)
ValueType normalCdf (const ValueType &x)
ValueType normalPdf (const ValueType &x)
ValueType typeSafeAssign (ValueType &x, const ValueType &y)
Filter equal (const ValueType &x, const ValueType &y)
Filter notequal (const ValueType &x, const ValueType &y)
Filter lt (const ValueType &x, const ValueType &y)
Filter leq (const ValueType &x, const ValueType &y)
Filter gt (const ValueType &x, const ValueType &y)
Filter geq (const ValueType &x, const ValueType &y)
Filter logicalNot (const ValueType &x)
Filter logicalAnd (const ValueType &x, const ValueType &y)
Filter logicalOr (const ValueType &x, const ValueType &y)
boost::shared_ptr< CurrencyHedgedEquityIndexDecompositionloadCurrencyHedgedIndexDecomposition (const std::string &name, const boost::shared_ptr< ore::data::ReferenceDataManager > &refDataMgr, const boost::shared_ptr< ore::data::CurveConfigurations > &curveConfigs)
boost::shared_ptr< DateGridgenerateShiftedDateGrid (const boost::shared_ptr< DateGrid > &dg, const QuantLib::Period &shift=QuantLib::Period(2, QuantLib::Weeks))
boost::shared_ptr< DateGridcombineDateGrids (const boost::shared_ptr< DateGrid > &dg1, const boost::shared_ptr< DateGrid > &dg2)
std::vector< std::vector< std::string > > flowAnalysis (const QuantLib::Leg &)
 Flow Analysis.
boost::shared_ptr< QuantExt::FxIndexparseFxIndex (const string &s, const Handle< Quote > &fxSpot=Handle< Quote >(), const Handle< YieldTermStructure > &sourceYts=Handle< YieldTermStructure >(), const Handle< YieldTermStructure > &targetYts=Handle< YieldTermStructure >(), const bool useConventions=false)
 Convert std::string to QuantExt::FxIndex.
boost::shared_ptr< IborIndexparseIborIndex (const string &s, const Handle< YieldTermStructure > &h=Handle< YieldTermStructure >())
 Convert std::string to QuantLib::IborIndex.
boost::shared_ptr< IborIndexparseIborIndex (const std::string &strIndex, std::string &outTenor, const QuantLib::Handle< QuantLib::YieldTermStructure > &h=QuantLib::Handle< QuantLib::YieldTermStructure >())
 Convert std::string to QuantLib::IborIndex and return the tenor string component of the index. More...
bool tryParseIborIndex (const string &s, boost::shared_ptr< IborIndex > &index)
 Try to convert std::string to QuantLib::IborIndex.
bool isGenericIborIndex (const string &indexName)
 Return true if the indexName is that of a generic ibor index, otherwise false.
std::pair< bool, boost::shared_ptr< QuantLib::ZeroInflationIndex > > isInflationIndex (const std::string &indexName)
bool isEquityIndex (const std::string &indexName)
 Return true if the indexName is that of an EquityIndex, otherwise false.
bool isCommodityIndex (const std::string &indexName)
 Return true if the indexName is that of an CommodityIndex, otherwise false.
bool isGenericIndex (const std::string &indexName)
boost::shared_ptr< QuantExt::EquityIndex2parseEquityIndex (const string &s)
 Convert std::string (e.g SP5) to QuantExt::EquityIndex.
boost::shared_ptr< SwapIndex > parseSwapIndex (const string &s, const Handle< YieldTermStructure > &forwarding=Handle< YieldTermStructure >(), const Handle< YieldTermStructure > &discounting=Handle< YieldTermStructure >())
 Convert std::string to QuantLib::SwapIndex.
boost::shared_ptr< ZeroInflationIndex > parseZeroInflationIndex (const string &s, const Handle< ZeroInflationTermStructure > &h=Handle< ZeroInflationTermStructure >())
 Convert std::string to QuantLib::ZeroInflationIndex.
QL_DEPRECATED boost::shared_ptr< ZeroInflationIndex > parseZeroInflationIndex (const string &s, bool isInterpolated, const Handle< ZeroInflationTermStructure > &h=Handle< ZeroInflationTermStructure >())
boost::shared_ptr< QuantExt::BondIndexparseBondIndex (const string &s)
 Convert std::string to QuantExt::BondIndex.
boost::shared_ptr< QuantExt::ConstantMaturityBondIndexparseConstantMaturityBondIndex (const string &s)
 Convert std::string to QuantExt::ConstantMaturityBondIndex.
boost::shared_ptr< QuantExt::CommodityIndexparseCommodityIndex (const std::string &name, bool hasPrefix=true, const QuantLib::Handle< QuantExt::PriceTermStructure > &ts=QuantLib::Handle< QuantExt::PriceTermStructure >(), const QuantLib::Calendar &cal=QuantLib::NullCalendar(), const bool enforceFutureIndex=true)
boost::shared_ptr< QuantLib::Index > parseGenericIndex (const string &s)
 Convert std::string (GENERIC-...) to QuantExt::Index.
boost::shared_ptr< IndexparseIndex (const string &s)
 Convert std::string to QuantLib::Index.
bool isOvernightIndex (const std::string &indexName)
 Return true if the indexName is that of an overnight index, otherwise false.
bool isBmaIndex (const std::string &indexName)
 Return true if the indexName is that of an bma/sifma index, otherwise false.
std::string internalIndexName (const std::string &indexName)
bool isFxIndex (const std::string &indexName)
std::string inverseFxIndex (const std::string &indexName)
std::pair< QuantLib::Date, QuantLib::Period > getStartAndLag (const QuantLib::Date &asof, const InflationSwapConvention &conv)
QuantLib::Date getInflationSwapStart (const QuantLib::Date &asof, const InflationSwapConvention &conv)
void initBuilders ()
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const StructuredMessage::Category &)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const StructuredMessage::Group &)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const StructuredMessage &sm)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const EventMessage &em)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const ProgressMessage &pm)
std::string xccyCurveName (const std::string &ccyCode)
QuantLib::Handle< QuantLib::YieldTermStructure > xccyYieldCurve (const boost::shared_ptr< Market > &market, const std::string &ccyCode, const std::string &configuration=Market::defaultConfiguration)
QuantLib::Handle< QuantLib::YieldTermStructure > xccyYieldCurve (const boost::shared_ptr< Market > &market, const std::string &ccyCode, bool &outXccyExists, const std::string &configuration=Market::defaultConfiguration)
std::string securitySpecificCreditCurveName (const std::string &securityId, const std::string &creditCurveId)
std::string creditCurveNameFromSecuritySpecificCreditCurveName (const std::string &name)
QuantLib::Handle< QuantExt::CreditCurvesecuritySpecificCreditCurve (const boost::shared_ptr< Market > &market, const std::string &securityId, const std::string &creditCurveId, const std::string &configuration=Market::defaultConfiguration)
std::pair< std::string, QuantLib::Period > splitCurveIdWithTenor (const std::string &curveId)
QuantLib::Handle< QuantExt::CreditCurveindexCdsDefaultCurve (const boost::shared_ptr< Market > &market, const std::string &creditCurveId, const std::string &config)
std::string prettyPrintInternalCurveName (std::string name)
boost::shared_ptr< QuantExt::FxIndexbuildFxIndex (const string &fxIndex, const string &domestic, const string &foreign, const boost::shared_ptr< Market > &market, const string &configuration, bool useXbsCurves=false)
std::tuple< Natural, Calendar, BusinessDayConvention > getFxIndexConventions (const string &index)
QuantLib::Date parseDate (const string &s)
 Convert std::string to QuantLib::Date.
QuantLib::Real parseReal (const string &s)
 Convert text to Real.
bool tryParseReal (const string &s, QuantLib::Real &result)
 Attempt to convert text to Real. More...
QuantLib::Integer parseInteger (const string &s)
 Convert text to QuantLib::Integer.
bool parseBool (const string &s)
 Convert text to bool.
QuantLib::Calendar parseCalendar (const string &s)
 Convert text to QuantLib::Calendar. More...
bool isOnePeriod (const string &s)
 return true if s represents a period of the form [0-9]D|W|M|Y
QuantLib::Period parsePeriod (const string &s)
 Convert text to QuantLib::Period.
QuantLib::BusinessDayConvention parseBusinessDayConvention (const string &s)
 Convert text to QuantLib::BusinessDayConvention.
QuantLib::DayCounter parseDayCounter (const string &s)
 Convert text to QuantLib::DayCounter.
QuantLib::Currency parseCurrency (const string &s)
 Convert text to QuantLib::Currency.
QuantLib::Currency parseMinorCurrency (const string &s)
 Convert text to QuantLib::Currency for minor currencies e.g GBp -> GBPCurrency()
QuantLib::Currency parseCurrencyWithMinors (const string &s)
 Convert text to QuantLib::Currency.
std::pair< QuantLib::Currency, QuantLib::Currency > parseCurrencyPair (const string &s, const string &delimiters)
 Convert text to std::pair<QuantLib::Currency, QuantLib::Currency>
bool checkCurrency (const string &code)
 check for vaid currency code, including minors and pseudo currencies
bool isPseudoCurrency (const string &code)
 check for pseudo currency = precious metal or crypto currency *‍/
bool isPreciousMetal (const string &code)
 check for precious metal *‍/
bool isCryptoCurrency (const string &code)
 check for crypto currency *‍/
QuantLib::Real convertMinorToMajorCurrency (const std::string &s, QuantLib::Real value)
 Convert a value from a minor ccy to major. More...
QuantLib::DateGeneration::Rule parseDateGenerationRule (const string &s)
 Convert text to QuantLib::DateGeneration::Rule.
QuantLib::Frequency parseFrequency (const string &s)
 Convert text to QuantLib::Frequency.
QuantLib::Compounding parseCompounding (const string &s)
 Convert text to QuantLib::Compounding;.
QuantLib::Position::Type parsePositionType (const string &s)
 Convert text to QuantLib::Position::Type.
QuantLib::Protection::Side parseProtectionSide (const string &s)
 Convert text to QuantLib::Protection::Side.
QuantLib::Settlement::Type parseSettlementType (const string &s)
 Convert text to QuantLib::Settlement::Type.
QuantLib::Settlement::Method parseSettlementMethod (const string &s)
 Convert text to QuantLib::Settlement::Method.
QuantLib::Exercise::Type parseExerciseType (const string &s)
 Convert text to QuantLib::Exercise::Type.
QuantLib::Option::Type parseOptionType (const string &s)
 Convert text to QuantLib::Option::Type.
QuantLib::Bond::Price::Type parseBondPriceType (const string &s)
 Convert text to QuantLib::Bond::Price::Type.
boost::variant< QuantLib::Date, QuantLib::Period > parseDateOrPeriod (const string &s)
 Convert text to QuantLib::Period or QuantLib::Date.
void parseDateOrPeriod (const string &s, QuantLib::Date &d, QuantLib::Period &p, bool &isDate)
 Convert text to QuantLib::Period or QuantLib::Date (deprecated version)
QuantLib::LsmBasisSystem::PolynomialType parsePolynomType (const std::string &s)
 Convert text to QuantLib::LsmBasisSystem::PolynomialType.
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, QuantLib::LsmBasisSystem::PolynomialType a)
 Write QuantLib::LsmBasisSystem::PolynomialType to stream.
QuantLib::SobolBrownianGenerator::Ordering parseSobolBrownianGeneratorOrdering (const std::string &s)
 Convert text to QuantLib::SobolBrownianGenerator::Ordering.
QuantLib::SobolRsg::DirectionIntegers parseSobolRsgDirectionIntegers (const std::string &s)
 Convert text to QuantLib::SobolRsg::DirectionIntegers.
QuantLib::Weekday parseWeekday (const std::string &s)
QuantLib::Month parseMonth (const std::string &s)
PaymentLag parsePaymentLag (const string &s)
 Convert text to PaymentLag.
template<class T >
std::vector< T > parseListOfValues (string s, std::function< T(string)> parser)
 Convert comma separated list of values to vector of values.
template<class T >
std::vector< T > parseVectorOfValues (std::vector< std::string > str, std::function< T(string)> parser)
std::vector< string > parseListOfValues (string s, const char escape='\\', const char delim=',', const char quote='\"')
AmortizationType parseAmortizationType (const std::string &s)
QuantExt::SequenceType parseSequenceType (const std::string &s)
 Convert string to sequence type.
QuantLib::CPI::InterpolationType parseObservationInterpolation (const std::string &s)
 Convert string to observation interpolation.
QuantLib::FdmSchemeDesc parseFdmSchemeDesc (const std::string &s)
 Convert string to fdm scheme desc.
AssetClass parseAssetClass (const std::string &s)
 Convert text to ore::data::AssetClass.
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, AssetClass a)
 Write ore::data::AssetClass to stream.
QuantLib::DeltaVolQuote::AtmType parseAtmType (const std::string &s)
 Convert text to QuantLib::DeltaVolQuote::AtmType.
QuantLib::DeltaVolQuote::DeltaType parseDeltaType (const std::string &s)
 Convert text to QuantLib::DeltaVolQuote::DeltaType.
QuantLib::Rounding::Type parseRoundingType (const std::string &s)
 Convert text to QuantLib::Rounding.
QuantLib::Barrier::Type parseBarrierType (const string &s)
 Convert std::string to QuantLib::BarrierType.
QuantLib::DoubleBarrier::Type parseDoubleBarrierType (const string &s)
 Convert std::string to QuantLib::DoubleBarrierType.
template<class T >
bool tryParse (const std::string &str, T &obj, std::function< T(std::string)> parser)
bool tryParseCurrency (const std::string &str, Currency &obj)
Extrapolation parseExtrapolation (const std::string &s)
 Parse Extrapolation from string.
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, Extrapolation extrap)
 Write Extrapolation, extrap, to stream.
QuantLib::VolatilityType parseVolatilityQuoteType (const std::string &s)
QuantLib::CapFloor::Type parseCapFloorType (const std::string &s)
QuantLib::YoYInflationCapFloor::Type parseYoYInflationCapFloorType (const std::string &s)
QuantExt::CrossAssetModel::AssetType parseCamAssetType (const std::string &s)
std::pair< string, string > parseBoostAny (const boost::any &anyType, Size precision=8)
QuantLib::RateAveraging::Type parseOvernightIndexFutureNettingType (const std::string &s)
 Convert text to QuantLib::RateAveraging::Type.
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, QuantLib::RateAveraging::Type t)
 Write QuantLib::RateAveraging::Type to stream.
FutureConvention::DateGenerationRule parseFutureDateGenerationRule (const std::string &s)
 Convert text to FutureConvention::DateGeneration.
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, FutureConvention::DateGenerationRule t)
 Write QuantLib::RateAveraging::Type to stream.
InflationSwapConvention::PublicationRoll parseInflationSwapPublicationRoll (const std::string &s)
 Convert text to InflationSwapConvention::PublicationRoll.
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, InflationSwapConvention::PublicationRoll pr)
 Write InflationSwapConvention::PublicationRoll to stream.
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, SobolBrownianGenerator::Ordering t)
 Write QuantLib::SobolBrownianGenerator::Ordering to stream.
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, SobolRsg::DirectionIntegers t)
 Write QuantLib::SobolRsg::DirectionIntegers to stream.
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, QuantExt::CrossAssetModel::Discretization type)
 Enum to string used in ScenarioGeneratorData's toXML.
CommodityFutureConvention::AveragingData::CalculationPeriod parseAveragingDataPeriod (const std::string &s)
 Convert text to CommodityFutureConvention::AveragingData::CalculationPeriod.
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, CommodityFutureConvention::AveragingData::CalculationPeriod cp)
 Write CommodityFutureConvention::AveragingData::CalculationPeriod to stream.
PriceSegment::Type parsePriceSegmentType (const std::string &s)
 Convert text to PriceSegment::Type.
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, PriceSegment::Type pst)
 Write PriceSegment::Type to stream.
QuantExt::CommodityQuantityFrequency parseCommodityQuantityFrequency (const std::string &s)
 Convert text to QuantExt::CommodityQuantityFrequency.
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, QuantExt::CommodityQuantityFrequency cqf)
 Write QuantExt::CommodityQuantityFrequency to stream.
QuantExt::CdsOption::StrikeType parseCdsOptionStrikeType (const std::string &s)
QuantLib::Average::Type parseAverageType (const std::string &s)
QuantExt::BondIndex::PriceQuoteMethod parsePriceQuoteMethod (const std::string &s)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, QuantExt::BondIndex::PriceQuoteMethod)
 Write PriceQuoteMethod to stream.
std::vector< std::string > getCorrelationTokens (const std::string &name)
 Helper function to get the two tokens in a correlation name Index2:Index1.
string fxDominance (const string &s1, const string &s2)
 Convert FX pair to market standard dominance. More...
string normaliseFxIndex (const std::string &indexName)
 Convert FX index name to market standard dominance.
MomentType parseMomentType (const std::string &s)
 Convert text to ore::data::MomentType.
CreditPortfolioSensitivityDecomposition parseCreditPortfolioSensitivityDecomposition (const std::string &s)
 Convert text to CreditPortfolioSensitivitiyDecomposition.
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const CreditPortfolioSensitivityDecomposition d)
 Output operator for CreditPortfolioSensitivityDecomposition.
QuantLib::Pillar::Choice parsePillarChoice (const std::string &s)
 Convert text to QuantLib::Pillar::Choice.
Strike parseStrike (const std::string &s)
 Convert text to Strike.
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const Strike &s)
 Convert Strike to text.
bool operator== (const Strike &s1, const Strike &s2)
 Logical comparison of strikes.
QuantLib::Real computeAbsoluteStrike (const Strike &s, const QuantLib::Real atm, const QuantLib::Real atmf)
 Convenience function that computes an absolute strike.
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const TimePeriod &t)
std::string to_string (const QuantLib::Date &date)
 Convert QuantLib::Date to std::string. More...
std::string to_string (bool aBool)
 Convert bool to std::string. More...
std::string to_string (const QuantLib::Period &period)
 Convert QuantLib::Period to std::string. More...
template<class T >
std::string to_string (const std::vector< T > &vec, const std::string &sep=",")
 Convert vector to std::string. More...
template<class T >
std::string to_string (const std::set< T > &set, const std::string &sep=",")
 Convert set to std::string.
template<class T >
std::string to_string (const T &t)
 Convert type to std::string. More...
template<typename T , typename Compare >
std::vector< std::size_t > sort_permutation (const std::vector< T > &vec, Compare &compare)
template<typename T >
std::vector< T > apply_permutation (const std::vector< T > &vec, const std::vector< std::size_t > &p)
template<typename T >
void apply_permutation_in_place (std::vector< T > &vec, const std::vector< std::size_t > &p)
template<class C >
boost::optional< WildcardgetUniqueWildcard (const C &c)
 checks if at most one element in C has a wild card and returns it in this case
void partitionQuotes (const std::set< std::string > &quoteNames, std::set< std::string > &names, std::set< std::string > &regexes)
void partitionQuotes (const std::set< std::string > &quoteNames, std::set< std::string > &names, std::set< std::string > &regexes, std::set< std::string > &prefixes, const bool aggressivePrefixes=false)
Utilities for building QuantLib Legs
QuantExt::Leg makeEquityMarginLeg (const ore::data::LegData &data, const boost::shared_ptr< QuantExt::EquityIndex2 > &equityCurve, const boost::shared_ptr< QuantExt::FxIndex > &fxIndex=nullptr, const QuantLib::Date &openEndDateReplacement=QuantLib::Null< QuantLib::Date >())
Leg makeFixedLeg (const LegData &data, const QuantLib::Date &openEndDateReplacement=Null< Date >())
Leg makeZCFixedLeg (const LegData &data, const QuantLib::Date &openEndDateReplacement=Null< Date >())
Leg makeIborLeg (const LegData &data, const boost::shared_ptr< IborIndex > &index, const boost::shared_ptr< EngineFactory > &engineFactory, const bool attachPricer=true, const QuantLib::Date &openEndDateReplacement=Null< Date >())
Leg makeOISLeg (const LegData &data, const boost::shared_ptr< OvernightIndex > &index, const boost::shared_ptr< EngineFactory > &engineFactory, const bool attachPricer=true, const QuantLib::Date &openEndDateReplacement=Null< Date >())
Leg makeBMALeg (const LegData &data, const boost::shared_ptr< QuantExt::BMAIndexWrapper > &indexWrapper, const boost::shared_ptr< EngineFactory > &engineFactory, const QuantLib::Date &openEndDateReplacement=Null< Date >())
Leg makeSimpleLeg (const LegData &data)
Leg makeNotionalLeg (const Leg &refLeg, const bool initNomFlow, const bool finalNomFlow, const bool amortNomFlow, const QuantLib::Natural paymentLag, const BusinessDayConvention paymentConvention, const Calendar paymentCalendar, const bool excludeIndexing=true)
Leg makeCPILeg (const LegData &data, const boost::shared_ptr< ZeroInflationIndex > &index, const boost::shared_ptr< EngineFactory > &engineFactory, const QuantLib::Date &openEndDateReplacement=Null< Date >())
Leg makeYoYLeg (const LegData &data, const boost::shared_ptr< InflationIndex > &index, const boost::shared_ptr< EngineFactory > &engineFactory, const QuantLib::Date &openEndDateReplacement=Null< Date >())
Leg makeCMSLeg (const LegData &data, const boost::shared_ptr< QuantLib::SwapIndex > &swapindex, const boost::shared_ptr< EngineFactory > &engineFactory, const bool attachPricer=true, const QuantLib::Date &openEndDateReplacement=Null< Date >())
Leg makeCMBLeg (const LegData &data, const boost::shared_ptr< EngineFactory > &engineFactory, const bool attachPricer=true, const QuantLib::Date &openEndDateReplacement=Null< Date >())
Leg makeDigitalCMSLeg (const LegData &data, const boost::shared_ptr< QuantLib::SwapIndex > &swapIndex, const boost::shared_ptr< EngineFactory > &engineFactory, const bool attachPricer=true, const QuantLib::Date &openEndDateReplacement=Null< Date >())
Leg makeCMSSpreadLeg (const LegData &data, const boost::shared_ptr< QuantLib::SwapSpreadIndex > &swapSpreadIndex, const boost::shared_ptr< EngineFactory > &engineFactory, const bool attachPricer=true, const QuantLib::Date &openEndDateReplacement=Null< Date >())
Leg makeDigitalCMSSpreadLeg (const LegData &data, const boost::shared_ptr< QuantLib::SwapSpreadIndex > &swapSpreadIndex, const boost::shared_ptr< EngineFactory > &engineFactory, const QuantLib::Date &openEndDateReplacement=Null< Date >())
Leg makeEquityLeg (const LegData &data, const boost::shared_ptr< QuantExt::EquityIndex2 > &equityCurve, const boost::shared_ptr< QuantExt::FxIndex > &fxIndex=nullptr, const QuantLib::Date &openEndDateReplacement=Null< Date >())
Real currentNotional (const Leg &leg)
Real originalNotional (const Leg &leg)
std::string getCmbLegCreditRiskCurrency (const CMBLegData &ld, const boost::shared_ptr< ReferenceDataManager > &refData)
std::pair< std::string, SimmCreditQualifierMappinggetCmbLegCreditQualifierMapping (const CMBLegData &ld, const boost::shared_ptr< ReferenceDataManager > &refData, const std::string &tradeId, const std::string &tradeType)
template<typename T >
vector< T > buildScheduledVector (const vector< T > &values, const vector< string > &dates, const Schedule &schedule, const bool checkAllValuesAppearInResult=false)
template<typename T >
vector< T > normaliseToSchedule (const vector< T > &values, const Schedule &schedule, const T &defaultValue)
template<typename T >
vector< T > buildScheduledVectorNormalised (const vector< T > &values, const vector< string > &dates, const Schedule &schedule, const T &defaultValue, const bool checkAllValuesAppearInResult=false)
template<typename T >
vector< T >::const_iterator checkAllValuesAppearInScheduledVector (const vector< T > &scheduledVecotr, const vector< T > &inputValues)
vector< double > buildAmortizationScheduleFixedAmount (const vector< double > &notionals, const Schedule &schedule, const AmortizationData &data)
vector< double > buildAmortizationScheduleRelativeToInitialNotional (const vector< double > &notionals, const Schedule &schedule, const AmortizationData &data)
vector< double > buildAmortizationScheduleRelativeToPreviousNotional (const vector< double > &notionals, const Schedule &schedule, const AmortizationData &data)
vector< double > buildAmortizationScheduleFixedAnnuity (const vector< double > &notionals, const vector< double > &rates, const Schedule &schedule, const AmortizationData &data, const DayCounter &dc)
void applyAmortization (std::vector< Real > &notionals, const LegData &data, const Schedule &schedule, const bool annuityAllowed=false, const std::vector< Real > &rates=std::vector< Real >())
void applyIndexing (Leg &leg, const LegData &data, const boost::shared_ptr< EngineFactory > &engineFactory, RequiredFixings &requiredFixings, const QuantLib::Date &openEndDateReplacement=Null< Date >(), const bool useXbsCurves=false)
Leg joinLegs (const std::vector< Leg > &legs)
Leg buildNotionalLeg (const LegData &data, const Leg &leg, RequiredFixings &requiredFixings, const boost::shared_ptr< Market > &market, const std::string &configuration)


const std::string xccyCurveNamePrefix

Compare <code>CorrelationFactor</code>s.

typedef std::pair< CorrelationFactor, CorrelationFactorCorrelationKey
bool operator< (const CorrelationFactor &lhs, const CorrelationFactor &rhs)
bool operator== (const CorrelationFactor &lhs, const CorrelationFactor &rhs)
bool operator!= (const CorrelationFactor &lhs, const CorrelationFactor &rhs)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const CorrelationFactor &f)
 Allow CorrelationFactors to be written.
CorrelationFactor parseCorrelationFactor (const std::string &name)

Detailed Description

Data Checks namespace

Typedef Documentation

◆ CorrelationKey

The key for storing the correlation data is the pair of factors.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ CalibrationType

enum CalibrationType

Supported calibration types.


Choose this option if the component's calibration strategy is expected to yield a perfect match of model to market prices. For example, this can be achieved when calibrating an IR component to a series of co-terminal swaptions with given mean reversion speed and piecewise volatility function (alpha) where jump times coincide with expiry dates in the swaption basket. Similarly, when calibrating an FX component to a series of FX Options. The calibration routine will throw an exception if no perfect match is achieved.


Choose this if no perfect match like above can be expected, for example when an IR component with constant parameters is calibrated to a basket of swaptions. The calibration routine will consequently not throw an exception when the match is imperfect.


No calibration

◆ MarketContext

enum MarketContext

Market configuration contexts. Note that there is only one pricing context. If several are needed (for different trade types, different collateral currencies etc.), several engine factories should be set up for each such portfolio subset.

Function Documentation

◆ getInflationSwapStart()

QuantLib::Date ore::data::getInflationSwapStart ( const Date &  asof,
const InflationSwapConvention convention 

Given an asof and inflation swap convention, determine the start date of an inflation swap.

In general, this just returns the asof. If the convention has a publication roll and a publication schedule, the swap start date will be generated according to this schedule.

◆ loadDataFromBuffers()

void ore::data::loadDataFromBuffers ( InMemoryLoader loader,
const std::vector< std::string > &  marketData,
const std::vector< std::string > &  fixingData,
bool  implyTodaysFixings = false 

Utility function for loading market quotes and fixings from an in memory csv buffer.

loaderThe loader that will be populated
marketDataQuantLib::Date Key Value in a single std::string, separated by blanks, tabs, colons or commas
fixingDataQuantLib::Date Index Fixing in a single std::string, separated by blanks, tabs, colons or commas
implyTodaysFixingsEnable/disable implying today's fixings

◆ buildPseudoCurrencyMarketParameters()

struct PseudoCurrencyMarketParameters ore::data::buildPseudoCurrencyMarketParameters ( const std::map< string, string > &  pricingEngineGlobalParameters = std::map< string, string >())

Function to build parameters from PricingEngine GlobalParametrs.

If no PricingEngine Global Parameters (PEGP) are provided the default params are returned which have treatAsFX = true. If PEGP are present, we look for the following fields

name="PseudoCurrency.TreatAsFX" value = true or false name="PseudoCurrency.BaseCurrency" value = currency code name="PseudoCurrency.FXIndexTag" value = Tag name for FX indices, e.g. GENERIC means we request correlation for "FX-GENERIC-USD-EUR" name="PseudeoCurrency.Curves.XXX" value = curve name, here XXX should be a 3 letter Precious metal or Crypto currency code name="PseudoCurrency.DefaultCorrelation" value = correlation. This is optional, if present we use this when the market has no correlation

A typical configuration is <pre> <GlobalParameters> <Parameter name="PseudoCurrency.TreatAsFX">false</Parameter> <Parameter name="PseudoCurrency.BaseCurrency">USD</Parameter> <Parameter name="PseudoCurrency.FXIndexTag">GENERIC</Parameter> <Parameter name="PseudoCurrency.Curve.XAU">PM:XAUUSD</Parameter> <Parameter name="PseudoCurrency.Curve.XBT">CRYPTO:XBTUSD</Parameter> </GlobalParameters> </pre>

◆ operator<()

bool ore::data::operator< ( const BasketConstituent lhs,
const BasketConstituent rhs 

Compare BasketConstituent instances using their credit curve ID.

If credit curve ID is not enough here, we should construct a private key member variable in BasketConstituent and make this operator a friend that uses the key.

◆ populateFromBondReferenceData()

void ore::data::populateFromBondReferenceData ( std::string &  subType,
std::string &  issuerId,
std::string &  settlementDays,
std::string &  calendar,
std::string &  issueDate,
std::string &  priceQuoteMethod,
std::string &  priceQuoteBaseValue,
std::string &  creditCurveId,
std::string &  creditGroup,
std::string &  referenceCurveId,
std::string &  incomeCurveId,
std::string &  volatilityCurveId,
std::vector< LegData > &  coupons,
const std::string &  name,
const boost::shared_ptr< BondReferenceDatum > &  bondRefData,
const std::string &  startDate = "",
const std::string &  endDate = "" 

Populate bond data from name and ReferenceDataManager.

The following elements are references and updated, if empty: issuerId settlementDays calendar issueDate creditCurveId creditGroup referenceCurveId incomeCurveId volatilityCurveId coupons

◆ operator<<()

std::ostream& ore::data::operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const RequiredFixings f 

allow output of required fixings data via streams

◆ addToRequiredFixings()

void ore::data::addToRequiredFixings ( const QuantLib::Leg &  leg,
const boost::shared_ptr< FixingDateGetter > &  fixingDateGetter 

Populates a RequiredFixings instance based on a given QuantLib::Leg

◆ amendInflationFixingDates()

void ore::data::amendInflationFixingDates ( std::map< std::string, std::set< QuantLib::Date >> &  fixings)

Inflation fixings are generally available on a monthly, or coarser, frequency. When a portfolio is asked for its fixings, and it contains inflation fixings, ORE will by convention put the fixing date as the 1st day of the applicable inflation period. Some market data providers by convention supply the inflation fixings with the date as the last date of the applicable inflation period. This function scans the fixings map, and moves any inflation fixing dates from the 1st day of the inflation period to the last day of the inflation period. The key in the fixings map is the index name and the value is the set of dates for which we require the fixings.

If inflation indices have been set up via ZeroInflationIndex entries in the Conventions, the conventions should be passed here. If not, the default nullptr parameter will be sufficient.

◆ addMarketFixingDates()

void ore::data::addMarketFixingDates ( const QuantLib::Date &  asof,
std::map< std::string, std::set< QuantLib::Date >> &  fixings,
const TodaysMarketParameters mktParams,
const QuantLib::Period &  iborLookback = 5 *QuantLib::Days,
const QuantLib::Period &  oisLookback = 4 *QuantLib::Months,
const QuantLib::Period &  bmaLookback = 2 *QuantLib::Weeks,
const QuantLib::Period &  inflationLookback = 1 *QuantLib::Years 

Add index and fixing date pairs to fixings that will be potentially needed to build a TodaysMarket.

These additional index and fixing date pairs are found by scanning the mktParams and:

  • for MarketObject::IndexCurve, take the ibor index name and add the dates for each weekday between settlement date minus iborLookback period or oisLookback period and settlement date. The distinction between Ibor and OIS is made here to cover the fixings necessary for OIS futures. The default value of 4 months covers OIS futures with a contract period of up to 3 months. It would need to be configured differently if OIS futures with a longer contract period are possible.
  • for MarketObject::ZeroInflationCurve, take the inflation index and add the first of each month between settlement date minus inflationLookback period and settlement date
  • for MarketObject::YoYInflationCurve, take the inflation index and add the first of each month between settlement date minus inflationLookback period and settlement date
  • for MarketObject::CommodityCurve, add fixings for future contracts expiring 2 months either side of the settlement date. The fixing dates are added for each weekday going back to the first day of the month that precedes the settlement date by 2 months. The approach here will give rise to some spot commodities being given a future contract name and dates added against them - this should not be a problem as there will be no fixings found for them in any case.

The original fixings map may be empty.

◆ coarsenDateGrid()

std::vector<Date> ore::data::coarsenDateGrid ( const std::vector< Date > &  date,
const std::string &  rule,
const Date &  referenceDate = Null< Date >() 

coarsens given date grid starting at eval date using the given rule, which is of the form 3M(1W),1Y(1M),5Y(3M),10Y(1Y),50Y(5Y) the rough idea is out to 3M at least a 1W spacing is used, output 1Y a 1M spacing etc. for the exact algorithm that generates the coarsened grid, see the code

◆ getScript()

std::pair<std::string, ScriptedTradeScriptData> ore::data::getScript ( const ScriptedTrade scriptedTrade,
const ScriptLibraryData scriptLibrary,
const std::string &  purpose,
const bool  fallBackOnEmptyPurpose 

get product tag + script, if a name is defined in the scriptTrade, get the script from the library, otherwise from the trade itself; use the give purpose and fall back on an empty purpose if specified

◆ parseScript()

ASTNodePtr ore::data::parseScript ( const std::string &  code)

parse script and return ast

◆ convertIndexToCamCorrelationEntry()

std::pair<std::string, Period> ore::data::convertIndexToCamCorrelationEntry ( const std::string &  i)

convert a IR / FX / EQ index name to a correlation label that is understood by the cam builder; return the tenor of the index too (or 0*Days if not applicable)

◆ checkDuplicateName()

void ore::data::checkDuplicateName ( const boost::shared_ptr< Context context,
const std::string &  name 

check whether variable name is already present in given context, if yes throw an exception

◆ makeContext()

boost::shared_ptr<Context> ore::data::makeContext ( const Size  nPaths,
const std::string &  gridCoarsening,
const std::vector< std::string > &  schedulesEligibleForCoarsening,
const boost::shared_ptr< ReferenceDataManager > &  referenceData,
const std::vector< ScriptedTradeEventData > &  events,
const std::vector< ScriptedTradeValueTypeData > &  numbers,
const std::vector< ScriptedTradeValueTypeData > &  indices,
const std::vector< ScriptedTradeValueTypeData > &  currencies,
const std::vector< ScriptedTradeValueTypeData > &  daycounters 

build a context from the given data and apply the given gridCoarsening rule, if required

◆ addNewSchedulesToContext()

void ore::data::addNewSchedulesToContext ( boost::shared_ptr< Context context,
const std::vector< ScriptedTradeScriptData::NewScheduleData > &  newSchedules 

add new schedules (as specified in the script node) to schedules

◆ amendContextVariablesSizes()

void ore::data::amendContextVariablesSizes ( boost::shared_ptr< Context context,
const Size  newSize 

maend the variables sizes in a context to a new size, this is only possible for deterministic variables

◆ multiPathBasisSystem()

std::vector<std::function<RandomVariable(const std::vector<const RandomVariable*>&)> > ore::data::multiPathBasisSystem ( Size  dim,
Size  order,
QuantLib::LsmBasisSystem::PolynomialType  type,
Size  basisSystemSizeBound = Null< Size >() 

helper function that returns a LSM basis system with size restriction: the order is reduced until the size of the basis system is not greater than the given bound (if this is not null) or the order is 1

◆ parseScriptedCommodityIndex()

boost::shared_ptr<QuantExt::CommodityIndex> ore::data::parseScriptedCommodityIndex ( const std::string &  indexName,
const QuantLib::Date &  obsDate = Date() 

This method tries to parse an commodity index name used in the scripting context

0) COMM-name 1) COMM-name-YYYY-MM-DD

2) COMM-name-YYYY-MM

3) CMMM-name#N#D#Cal 4) COMM-name#N#D

5) COMM-name#N

6) COMM-name!N

Here 0) - 2) are corresponding to the usual ORE conventions while 3) - 6) are specific to the scripting module: Expressions of the form 3) - 5) are resolved to one of the forms 1) and 2) using a given commodity future expiry calculator as follows:

3) COMM-name#N#D#Cal is resolved to the (N+1)th future with expiry greater than the given obsDate advanced by D business days w.r.t. Calendar Cal, N >= 0 4) as 3), Cal is taken as the commodity index's fixing calendar 5) as 4), D is set to 0 if not given 6) COMM-name!N is resolved to the future with month / year equal to the obsDate and monthOffst = N, N >=0

Notice that the forms 1) and 2) can be parsed without an obsDate and a commodity future convention given. If no convention is given, the fixing calendar in the index is set to the NullCalendar. In case a commodity future convention is given for the name, the fixing calendar is set to the calendar from the convention.

TODO if the form is COMM-name-YYYY-MM, the day of month of the expiry date will be set to 01, consistently with the ORE index parser, even if a convention is present, that would allow us to determine the correct expiry date. Should we use that latter date in the returned index?

Forms 3) to 6) on the other hand require a commodity future convention in any case, and an obsDate.

◆ parseScriptedInflationIndex()

std::pair<boost::shared_ptr<QuantLib::ZeroInflationIndex>, std::string> ore::data::parseScriptedInflationIndex ( const std::string &  indexName)

This method tries to parse an inflation index name used in the scripting context


Here 1) is the original form used in ORE. This represents a non-interpolated index. 2,3) is the extended form including a flag indicating the interpolation F (flat, =1) or L (linear)

The function returns a ql inflation index accounting for the interpolation (but without ts attached), and the ORE index name without the #F, #L suffix.

◆ scriptedIndexName()

std::string ore::data::scriptedIndexName ( const boost::shared_ptr< Underlying > &  underlying)

Builds an index (EQ-SP5-EUR, FX-ECB-EUR-USD, ...) that can be used in scripted trades, from an underlying

◆ getInflationSimulationLag()

Size ore::data::getInflationSimulationLag ( const boost::shared_ptr< ZeroInflationIndex > &  index)

Get inflation simulation lag in calendar days

◆ getCalibrationStrikes()

std::map<std::string, std::vector<Real> > ore::data::getCalibrationStrikes ( const std::vector< ScriptedTradeScriptData::CalibrationData > &  calibrationSpec,
const boost::shared_ptr< Context > &  context 

Get map index => calibration strikes as vector<Real> from calibration spec and context

◆ parseCorrelationFactor()

CorrelationFactor ore::data::parseCorrelationFactor ( const std::string &  name)

Parse a correlation factor name. For example, a name like IR:EUR is parsed to a CorrelationFactor with type, name and index set to IR, EUR and 0 respectively. Note that the name is of the form type:name and the index is always set to 0 initially. The actual index is set separately.

◆ isFxIndex()

bool ore::data::isFxIndex ( const std::string &  indexName)

Check if index is an fx index

◆ inverseFxIndex()

std::string ore::data::inverseFxIndex ( const std::string &  indexName)

Invert an fx index

◆ xccyCurveName()

std::string ore::data::xccyCurveName ( const std::string &  ccyCode)

For a given currency code, ccyCode, return the internal name for the cross currency based yield curve.

For a given currency code, ccyCode, this function returns __XCCY__-ccyCode. This curve, if available, is currently used in special cases to allow for separate discount curves when discounting the cashflows on cross currency interest rate swaps.

◆ xccyYieldCurve() [1/2]

Handle< YieldTermStructure > xccyYieldCurve ( const boost::shared_ptr< Market > &  market,
const std::string &  ccyCode,
const std::string &  configuration = Market::defaultConfiguration 

Attempt to return a yield curve from the market using the name generated by xccyCurveName(ccyCode). If no yield curve is available, return the discount curve for the given currency code, ccyCode.

Get a Xccy curve from given a market

◆ xccyYieldCurve() [2/2]

QuantLib::Handle<QuantLib::YieldTermStructure> ore::data::xccyYieldCurve ( const boost::shared_ptr< Market > &  market,
const std::string &  ccyCode,
bool &  outXccyExists,
const std::string &  configuration = Market::defaultConfiguration 

Attempt to return a yield curve from the market using the name generated by xccyCurveName(ccyCode). If no yield curve is available, return the discount curve for the given currency code, ccyCode. The parameter outXccyExists is populated with true if a yield curve was found under xccyCurveName(ccyCode) and it is populated with false if there was no such yield curve.

◆ securitySpecificCreditCurveName()

std::string ore::data::securitySpecificCreditCurveName ( const std::string &  securityId,
const std::string &  creditCurveId 

For a given security id and credit curve id return the internal name for a security specific copy of the credit curve. This is used to separate sensitivities on credit curves by securities.

◆ creditCurveNameFromSecuritySpecificCreditCurveName()

std::string ore::data::creditCurveNameFromSecuritySpecificCreditCurveName ( const std::string &  name)

Return the credit curve id for a name generated with securitySpecificCreditCurveName(). If the name was not generated with securitySpecificCreditCurveName(), return the input name unchanged.

◆ securitySpecificCreditCurve()

QuantLib::Handle<QuantExt::CreditCurve> ore::data::securitySpecificCreditCurve ( const boost::shared_ptr< Market > &  market,
const std::string &  securityId,
const std::string &  creditCurveId,
const std::string &  configuration = Market::defaultConfiguration 

Attempt to return a security specific default curve using the name generated by 'securitySpecificCreditCurveName()'. If no such curve is available return the credit curve for the given creditCurveId.

◆ splitCurveIdWithTenor()

std::pair<std::string, QuantLib::Period> ore::data::splitCurveIdWithTenor ( const std::string &  curveId)

Split curve name NAME_5Y into (NAME, 5Y), the period can be empty if not given

◆ indexCdsDefaultCurve()

QuantLib::Handle<QuantExt::CreditCurve> ore::data::indexCdsDefaultCurve ( const boost::shared_ptr< Market > &  market,
const std::string &  creditCurveId,
const std::string &  config 

Get default curve for index cds from market:

  • if creditCurveId ends on _5Y (or any other term), use that to get the curve from the market
  • if such a curve is not available, fall back to creditCurveId without that suffix

◆ prettyPrintInternalCurveName()

std::string ore::data::prettyPrintInternalCurveName ( std::string  name)

Pretty print an internal curve name occuring (once or several times) in a string (e.g. in a risk factor name).

◆ buildFxIndex()

boost::shared_ptr<QuantExt::FxIndex> ore::data::buildFxIndex ( const string &  fxIndex,
const string &  domestic,
const string &  foreign,
const boost::shared_ptr< Market > &  market,
const string &  configuration,
bool  useXbsCurves = false 

Build an Fx Index given a market. Note: sold==domestic, bought==foreign